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Baron Games

A member registered Jun 29, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the review . this game was made in a 72 hr jam period so i didn’t have the kind of time for testing I would have liked. Sorry your experience may have been a bit more frustrating than it should have been . 

From your comments it’s obvious that :

-Parking tickets should be explained clearly at beginning of the game and that I need to reduce the plenty for not parking in a parking lot space.

-I need to increase the amount of money you get from selling clams 

-Looks like a bug related to negative money totals at end of day

-Add additional mechanics like gas for car etc.

-I should explain that Clams that are not sold before you go to sleep for the day are thrown out as the clam merchant only buys fresh clams 

Nice little demo.  Without checkpoints of some sort it was way to difficult for me to complete it since each time you die you have to slog through the previous section and the enemy variety is lacking.

I am wondering if there is some way to block the miniboss attacks? Overall you just need more content and mechanics. More varied ways to interact with the world via spellings.

I like the spell idea for example, but I really dont find any reason to use it, as it wasnt effective in bursting down the mini boss.

Just add more enemy types with different spelling schemes. I'm sure you know of it, but Typer Shark Deluxe is a good game to look at for this sort of gameplay. You should at least have everything typer shark had+more.

Heres my gameplay vid:

I would suggest overworking enemies so that you actually have to contact them to trigger the battle. 

To answer your question : I found the very first encounter/battle to not be hard but rather very lengthy and tedious, but then the next 5-6 battles I ran into were extremely easy after I gained some exp and leveled up. The game locked up early on so idk how it progresses, but initially battles are brain dead easy just mashing the basic attack. Enemies need greater variation in their stats/resistances to force the player to use other routes of attack, such as having to reduce a strong mooks attack etc

Good features what you have. Its getting there towards being a complete demo.
Personally I don't prefer random encounters so that was frustrating to me. Also, the difficulty of battles obviously isnt very polished.
It was a little hard for me to understand the whole process of creating a team and dragging them into slots in order to unlock the Embark button.

Unfortunately my play through ended in a dead end scene as you can see here ->
I had just beaten a group of 3 cats in combat but instead of advancing to the next screen the scene just stayed stuck. No button or click seemed to allow me to advance

Keep up the good progress!

Thanks for playing eternal. There is a way to put down crates, I tried to put explanations of the mechanics on the signposts as best I could. But many did not read them. You are supposed to use a crate to jump off of to get the last gem on that platform before the exit. Heres a video explanation: