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A member registered Jun 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Subimos la apk con un bug que hacia que no muestre el menu principal al abrir el juego 🤦‍♂️

Nos acabadmos de dar cuenta y resubimos la apk con ese error corregido, 34 minutos fuera de termino.

De todas formas la .apk subida dentro de termino es totalmente funcional: solo que no se puede elegir el lenguaje.

U can send the feedbackin our discord server! Or right here if u want :) 

Thank u so much for the support Az! U are the best! De verdad, muchisimas graas por tomarte tu tiempo! Aca de BAGS estamos super agradecidos jeje ♥ 

Sly! THANK U SO MUCH FOR YOUR FEEDBACK! This means a lot to us ♥

We will be working on the dungeon and social interactions, hope to see u around the discord server or twitter! Thank u again for the feedback! 

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/barelyags Twitter: https://twitter.com/BarelyAGS Discord: https://discord.gg/KDCznwgRjM

Rey! Thank u so much for your feedback! You are awesome ♥ 

We'll be adding those keyboard prompt button no time short hehe. 

Thank u again bro, stay cool #Bagger! ♥ 

Omg McKathlin! Thank u so much for your feedback! It really means a lot to us ♥. We will be fixing those bugs for sure, and will contact u for next actualizations for sure. 4 real we really appreciate your time bro ♥. 

Hello, people! This is Nat, from BAGS, and we're opening this Dev's Blog to share with... whoever wants to read it... the experiences, doubts, and headaches of making our first game. So, yeah, basically to spit our frustrations in your face, thank u. Also ask you for some advice, suggestions, and opinions.

If you don't know who we are, let me introduce ourselves as a new indie game studio, Barely A Game Studio. We are from Argentina, at the fucking end of the world, and LORA (Life of A Regular Adventurer) is our first baby.

LORA was born as an answer to the new paradigm of life: you, as a person, should be productive, rational, talented, fit, hardworking, independent, mentally sane, AND happy at the same time. Oh, LORD! Only writing all of this makes me anxious. It gave me anxiety. Anxiety, and of course existential crisis. I can't do all those things at once!! I'm not that...oh shit, here comes the self-deprecation too. Good. I hate myself. I hate my life.

*Approaches the edge of the cliff...*

-WAAAAAAAAIT! There're a lot of people who feel like u, ur not the only one (Internal Voices)



-Cool. Wait, no. It's not cool! That means suffering for a lot of people. It's so sad...

-WAAAAIT. We can... sell... that! (Voices again)

-Sell the despair, frustration, and depression of being a hyper-functional human in the 21st century? Good idea.

-We can make it enjoyable at least. Like a game. (The voices are quite business minded)

-Could it have... magic?

-Magic? Why?

-Because... it's magical? Like DnD.

-Great. I love it: a modern/medieval magic world centered around magic instead of technology. A rogue-lite platformer with a battle part and a social part. The goal won't be to survive an epic battle against the forces of evil but to survive normal life, your life. Although there will be epic battles, of course.

-Cool. Thank u, Internal Voices!

-Never mind. Always here 4 u.

And that's about it... We've been working on this since February, and we've come a long way! It's a big challenge for all of us because it's a part-time job and, we are poor and, blah, blah, blah. But we're loving it. If you want to learn more, check out our Discord server https://discord.gg/dQjBjqNYNr or follow us on Twitter as @BarelyAGS https://twitter.com/BarelyAGS.

Last month was kind of rough, we had a lot of personal issues, Facu went burnt out, he's our main -and only, for now- programmer and also our Game Designer. He had a few existential crises and he was out for a week. Also, he’s kind of a workaholic. A lot.  And I – the writer- recently lost my other job. Nothing I’m currently missing, of course… but, HA! my wallet wasn´t prepared for that one.

Anyhow, we kept LORA’s project alive… and this week think we finally have the Dungeon System! After a lot of going forward and backward, we decided to go for the simpler options. Players may attack with the dash and with the "fast fall". This ends up making the whole game revolve around fluidity and mobility. When you dash/stomp you not only do damage to enemies, but you also push them. The idea is that you can use the traps in the environment to your advantage. Also, you can buy items/spells that are triggered by the use of the objects (rope-boots-dash).

Besides, he landed the groundwork to add "magic". These upgrades will allow you to modify the different actions that PC does. He adjusted de damage that PC can make and receive, he made several adjustments to the rope, stomper, and dash (such as duration, cooldown, etc.). He has to simplify and test them but he’s getting there. And what is more important, he was very happy to be able to work on LORA again… We all are really hoping that, sometime soon, this will be our full-time job. As Nachito (Marketing boy) would say: let’s be positive!

This is by far, the most important step toward finishing the game loop. Now I’m able to write more lore surrounding it: tramps, items, weapons, monsters, spells, etc. And Leo (illustrator) can start drawing it as soon he finishes the absurd tone of tasks he has. But this is very exciting! Because this will set the tone of the dungeon part, which is almost half of the game. And is essential to finish the demo, which we really need for our publisher hunt.

Finally, the city –Dead Dragon– is already functional with some of Leo’s sketches, now it’s possible to go to some of the buildings and go from one block to the other. This is great because we’re also making some advances on the social part of the game, the life-simulation part. So, it’s time for me to write a LOT about NPCs, places, and loads and loads of lore. I got some stuff –the moon is made of cheese, that is an important fact that I wrote these last weeks– but not a lot, clearly. So, I’ll stop here and drive my ass to work already.

So, if u read up to this point, join us on Twitter or Discord to see more of our daily content, try a MEGA-ALPHA demo, and leave us a comment to trash our dreams of finding a publisher into the dust.

Thanks for reading!

See you next time.
