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A member registered Sep 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks mate! i really appreciate it, im thinking about continuing the project and adding a ton more levels, but first, a TUTORIAL WITH EXPLANATIONS lmao

i really appreciate the feedback! thats the main thing that im sad that i forgot to add, a HOW TO PLAY screen, i got the entire title screen, all the buttons setup for it, hooked it up to all the levels, but forgot to tell the player ANYTHING. but yes i definitely agree that level 2 could've been a lot shorter, i wanted to give the player a good intro into the split mechanic, but i definitely made it a bit too hard lol

Thanks mate! the levels were my favorite part to work on, and as you said a lot of the split puzzle solving is about locking the player against walls so the other can move freely,  i tried my best to put extra spikes around so that you would really have to think out your moves with each player, and checkpoints are definitely happening if i continue the project lmao (also i used a preexisting tileset and just recolored it to fit my project, so all the walls were a bit awkward to place without having the collision be weird)

thanks! the levels were super fun to make, it's like solving a puzzle backwards :D

Thanks for the feedback! i really wanted to add more levels, and i had to adjust level 2 right before the jam ended since i ran out of time XD,  this is the first game jam where i've fully(just about) finished a game, so i didnt know about the webgl version until i saw some other submissions. i'll definitely keep that in mind for next time tho! (also the azerty support is all through unity i had nothing to do with that lmao)

i just got mine submitted, built the unity project like 20 mins ago lmao

Thank you so much! i had literally no plan going into this and was learning unity during the project lol. i definitely got a LOT of experience in gamedev and jams and i am really excited for the next one!

1. about movement, i was trying to get teleporting working, but i completely ran out of time, having no plan meant i ended up coding/implementing most things on the last day of the jam (the order timer, order number, title screen ui, and fixed up some of the textures that were bugging out)

2. for movement, i play a lot of vrchat, so i like being able to move around, but i definitely get where you're coming from. not moving was originally the plan, but then i spent a bit trying to figure out what scale it should be (some people have a full room to move around in, and others only have a tiny square.) and i think scope creep kinda got me here and i started thinking of a ton of ideas and decided the only way to fit them all would be to move around (which i only got a few done lol)

3. it was a last minute decision to have a store, mainly because my idea for an outdoor bonfire would have been to serve forest animals (foxes, deer, squirrels, and bears) i didnt have enough time to model / animate them and i couldnt find a good replacement, and thats why the customer ended up being a box that changes color

4. thanks! setting up the trees was really fun and i probably wasted a little too much time on that lol. and for the font, i have no excuse other than just lack of time

you have definitely lit a fire under me to make more, thanks :D

I really like this concept! as i was playing it, i found it a bit difficult to balance both tetris and dungeon-crawling. in my opinion the fast paced nature of it lends itself more towards co-op, as you're going throughout the dungeons your friend builds more as fast as he/she can to get you out of situations (also a VS mode would be hella fun). 

I feel like adding a seperate gamemode of playing tetris until you die and then making it to the end of whatever dungeon you just built and it gets harder the further you get up the screen would be a great addition to this game.

Sorry for all of the run-on sentences lmao.

im loving it so far! Keep it up!