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A member registered Jul 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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A crosshair would be really easy to add.
A canvas and a circle sprite at the center of the screen will do.

The rest are things you will have to learn as a game developer because they are things that can improve the experience of a game.

They may seem hard to learn at first but once you get the basics you can quickly master them.

Thanks, it was a torture to make and well past my comfort zone

Probably just gonna add one update with fixed physics and cutscenes since I am tired of working on this game

Good game

The floating text was because I needed to be away the day I submitted so I made it in the middle of the night and didn't have time for UI

Thanks! I lost many hours of sleep and almost didn't eat during the final week!

I have had so many problems trying to upload this.
For some reason, the wallrunning is a lot slower in the build than in the editor, however levels that require it can still be completed.
Also, the jump and falling is a lot more floaty than in the editor for some unknown reason.
If enough people like my game I will remaster it with fixed physics and cutscenes.

Also for some reason there is a bug and the player in the game is much slower than in the editor

I have had so many problems with itch trying to upload this mess

Initially I intended to have massive open rooms in the game, but when I was making the levels I had a bug with the mesh collider in the project so I could not have used pro builder, therefore I had to very quickly make a lot of modular pieces for levels and did not have time to make modules for big rooms.
This also took a lot more time for polish, which is why I didn't add clearer indicators for being shot and the animation for the die.
The levels are also the same, but in each level there are just more rooms added.
For example, in level 1 there are 4 (if I remember correctly) rooms, and in level 2 all of these rooms are the same, but there are additional rooms and the die is in the additional rooms and so it is for all of the levels.
The gravity is floaty because I didn't have time to get the right values for the drag in the rigidbody.

Also the game was kinda made by 2 people.
I had a friend that made for me the enemy models, and the models for the props (bush, tree, standlight and the plant pots for the bush and tree).
I modelled everything else and I also did everything else in the game.
If you have more questions about the game then ask away!
Thank you so much for playing my game on stream!

Dice version of the balling level in Plants vs Zombies

Thanks for the feedback.
Ultrakill wasn't the main inspiration for the movement, however it was the game that got me to prefer movement based shooters to other shooters.
I plan to make another game with the same movement code in the future, this game I just added randomization mechanics to help it better fit the theme.
The music is very bad indeed but I had to do short with the time I had.
Looking back, could have been better to not include music at all.
Thank you so much!

pretty nice game

Amazing game with great OST, art and a unique and creative concept.
Right now it is too luck based and kind of hard, but if you add ways for the player to have a little bit more of an influence on the blue dice it could be a pretty good platformer.

Pretty fun and nice controls. Simple, easy to learn.

Cool game with great art

Thanks for the review.
I tried to come up with an idea as soon as possible, and this is the first that came to mind.
And sorry about the music, I made it in a rush XD.

Very good game, pretty creative and nice simplistic art style

Nice art and concept but unplayable

Pretty unique game and a creative concept.
Needs more polish and game juice but otherwise it could be a great party game if it has multiple levels and co-op

Thanks for your review.
The bullets ARE projectile based, you can even see them, however I think they are just moving too fast.
My controller is a modified version of a tutorial I found, I modified it to be more responsive and to handle slopes better.
About the rooms:
Initially I planned to make big rooms, however, for some reason I had a bug with the mesh collider very late in the game, and I didn't have the time to fix it so I just made as many room models as I could and manually assigned a box collider to each part.
Thank you so much for the response!

Pretty unique game.
Didn't completely fit the theme and not a lot to do but seeing such a big open space with buildings made me feel a pleasant feeling for some reason.

Very good game.
The art is very good although you did not make it yourself in the 48 hours.
The concept is very creative and the game is easy to learn and overall pretty fun.

Polished is not what I expected to hear from a game with no pause menu XD.
Honestly I'm surprised someone enjoyed it so much, and I wanna say TYSM.
I agree I went over with the bloom but I was in a rush (I submitted 15 minutes before the deadline) and so I did not have time to consider artistic things in the post process.
My movement is a modified version of a tutorial that I found, (I modified it to make it both feel more responsive and both to handle slopes better), if you wanna hear how to replicate the movement I can help you with that (other parts of the game are complete spaghetti code though).
Thank you so much for the response and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Very good game.

At first I thought I was the peasant trying to fight the dragon lol

Very creative and unique take on the theme.
Very enjoyable and highly polished, great art.

(1 edit)

By far the most creative game on the jam.
I have nothing negative to say, pretty good game.

Edit: I haven't reviewed all the games in the jam yet, this is the most creative one I've seen so far.

Best game in the jam (so far, I haven't seen them all) and one of the best games I've ever played in my entire life.
Everything is amazing, I can't even nitpick something bad.
The story is so unique and so horrific it's mesmerizing to see.
It is vague and abstract enough that your mind can create a horrific story to fill the missing details, but also concrete enough that you have a general understanding of the story.
The dialog is amazing and fits perfectly with the amazing dystopian setting, and I love the part that there is no good ending, only a bad ending and an even worse ending.
It fits perfectly with the theme of the jam and is more original in the concept than anything else I've seen.
This game is a piece of art and I hope it wins the jam as number 1#.

The game is not really dice related, the dice model could have been anything.

Cool gameplay loop but is communicated poorly.

Pretty unique Idea.
And an equally unique story, which is very enjoyable and unlike most of what I've seen in any media, let alone games.

The art style is amazing along with the music.

Amazing game and I predict it will be in the highlight video of GMTK.

The idea is so unique I'm surprised someone could think about it.
The game is very good but not without flaws:
The narrator is too vague in explaining the game, from the UI it is not clear what is each item in the shop.
This may sound harsh but the good stuff in the game far outweighs the bad, and it is a game that I can see myself playing on my free time.

The font is hard to read and the UI is confusing in telling what to do.

The player is hard to control and unpredictable, and the combat is confusing to learn.

Overall, the game is interesting in idea but needs more time in the oven in order to be a good experience, however I realize that you did not have such time in the game jam.

Nice concept, needs more refining.

I personally really like the art.
The concept is pretty good however it is not communicated in the best way.

The best part is the soundtrack no doubt, way better than anything I am able to create.
I really like the artstyle, kind of retro but unique.

The collision detection was a bit off, it was unclear where the cone collider starts.

Overall pretty great.

Initially I intended to have at the start of each level a cutscene showing a rolling dice that decides your power/weakness, however I had no time (I submitted the game 15 minutes before the deadline).

Thanks for the feedback!

u helped me with my game lol (urs is far more creative)