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A member registered Apr 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi.I am a unity developer and part-time 2d artist.You can see my work in my profile.I'm looking for a musician to break this jam with.My Discord - Andrey2319688

Wow.The game looks amazing, incredibly smooth.Gameplay is damn fascinating.

Guys, literally all levels in the game are passable.I personally went through them several times

It's not bad, but it can be difficult and long to draw vector graphics.If I were you, I'd try pixel art.In the Aseprite program or something like that.You can also choose a more convenient and easy-to-learn engine, which has many video tutorials (Unity, Godot).Good luck!

Hi, I am a game developer, and part-time 2D artist, this is not my first jam (My work is on the site), and I would be glad to work with you.My Discord is andrey2319688

I'm looking for a musician to play this jam.My work can be viewed on this site, it's not the first time I've worked in a team.My Discord is andrey2319688.

Hi everybody.It's been 1-2 years since I started creating games.It's time to come back.Good luck to everyone

Great idea.I think it will be a great drawing game

Yes, it started for me, but I had to wait 20-25 minutes

Great game, although it didn't start right away :) I would recommend working on the visual

Thanks.By the way, we have already met at the jam MiniJam 110: Sacrifice

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This will help promote your game.For example, many people were interested in my game(Kubi Fighter), but they never launched it without understanding what it was about

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Thanks man

The biggest and most detailed comment that I have received.Thanks

Great visual part, but I would work on the idea and implementation

At the beginning of the jam, I was also thinking of making a game after mixing colors.Great job

A great idea of the game and it's interesting to play it, but here's the graphics...

I don't understand why your game is not popular, great atmosphere with good graphics and pleasant gameplay

A very beautiful minimalistic game, a separate respect for the artist

A small simple but cool game, no more words...

(For beginners)People don't want to download unfamiliar files and do it right, so I recommend doing web builds.

Poke at the game jams tab and go to submitted jams and find this jam there, if you found it, the game is sent

I like your style of a kind and sociable guy, probably this site is based on such people

Yes, dude, I still need a pixel artist, write to me in discord - Andrey231#9688

Okay.Good luck

Okey.Write me in Discord - Andrey231#9688

Yes, but I did it an hour before the start out of boredom.

ahahah,I envy your confidence

Of course, we need to help people like you to organize such interesting events

This is the smallest jam in which I will participate, but that's why it's beautiful.Good luck to everyone!

Guys, I just passed the game, I really liked it, I'm also working with unity now(You can see my work in the profile).I have a couple of questions for you, how can I contact you?


IT'S TOO LATE!!!!Because of you, I got involved with the creation of games, let it remain on your conscience

Have you insulted my creation?!How could you!!!!?????My heart is broken...