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A member registered Mar 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Yeah, the enemy scaling and visuals are abysmal... Sorry about that. I'm really glad you liked the rest of the game though, thanks!

Yeah absolutely agree with you that the enemies should scale a lot faster to make it an interesting end game (even middle game)... I'm glad you liked the other parts of the game though!

Many art assets for this game are reworked assets that I already had.

I'm glad you looked at them! Thank you for playing!

It certainly was, the balancing could have been a lot better. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! Yes, I agree, I wish I would have time to make them stand out more. Thanks for playing and the feedback!

Thank you very much!

Thanks! I totally understand you, the enemies are very difficult to see... Thanks for playing anyways!

Thank you!

Thanks a lot! I totally agree with you there, the balancing is completely off and that's a huge shame. I'm really glad you enjoyed the rest of it, thanks for your feedback!

Firstly: I did not find any bugs. Secondly: I think a tutorial would make the game much more approachable. It might even be a simple checklist in the top left corner telling the player in which order to prepare the food etc. 

Hope that helped!

Thank you!

Thank you! I'm really glad you like it! If you could change the controls, what would you have done? So that I know for future games. Thanks!

Thanks a lot! And I wish I had as smooth "AI" as you!

Thank you!

Very enjoyable game, calm and just the right difficulty. Got down to 1.3ish bullets per target after starting the game by shooting down a few bystanders... Oups!

Great game! Sweet animations, great story and a solid platformer. Great job!

Great use of limitation, nice transitions and zooming to enhance the experience! I enjoyed playing this game although I didn't make (what I presume is) the final level. Great job!

You don't lie saying it's a difficult game! I really like the idea of bringing the appliances with a grapling hook, interesting concept and great use of the limitation. Good job!

Sweet game! Controls are smooth and it looks good. Good job!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I like to see crowding as them going to a cafe or restaurant together, but yeah the AI is not the best in this game...

Thanks a lot! Yeah, I agree it can be frustrating getting out of a cluster. I'm really glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the awesome review!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed :D

Thank you! It was mostly FierceNugget but I'm gonna say thanks anyway x')

I agree, the controls could have been better. I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the game at least :) Thanks for playing!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank you!

I am glad you liked it, thank you!

I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, the controls could be better, I will spend more time on them on the next game :) It was FierceNuggets idea so we'll have to ask her for the source of inspiration!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :)

Great art, loved the way the harpoon squiggle then tightens! I couldn't read the opening scene so I wish I could skip past it, but at least it looked really good while waiting for the game to start :)

Really difficult game thanks to the mechanics! Controls felt really good so I always felt I could make it if I just played correctly. Great job.

Nice and solid game! Good mechanics, nice controls, and a creepy story that gets enhanced by the music and art. Nicely done!

Incredible art, this game looks gorgeous! One of the best-looking jams I've seen.

Cute game! I don't know what half the "spells" do but they were really fun to use! Really great touch making the wizard applying hair gel to their balding head a part of the casting of spells! Sweet animations, nice music, and solid controls. Great job!

This was super fun to play! Really cute as well :) Great mechanic and sweet level design. Love how the entire game is just one level! Reminds me of a previous Mini Jam where this game would have fit perfectly :)

I really like the respawn, it felt really cool!

Love the colors and the super cute rock! Also found one secret :) Good job!


Really nice animations and great-looking backgrounds. Interesting gameplay, I liked that one character could kick and the other run faster. Great job!