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A member registered Jul 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Really well done! The rotation and placement of the blocks is already satisfying, but adding in the idea of weights really makes the game thematically accurate and more challenging! I did get a bug though the first time I played through where one of the 3-boxes-long pieces was stuck in the grid no matter how I reset it. 

Very fun overall!

Very impressive! The visuals art all so well-thought out and complex, and the game itself is very creative and fits takes a very fun interpretation on the theme!

Cute and unique!! The art and game mechanics were very polished! I think the match mode might be a bit broken because it always said I got it right when I was mid-building mode and it was not right yet. But overall very cute and fun idea!

The puzzles were fun and the game mechanic was simple but well-executed. I have to agree that z and x felt a bit unintuitive, but overall I enjoyed playing!

That was fun! It was nice how random every level could be depending on what you get...feels like the skill/challenge is being able to adapt to the power you get, rather than the level itself. Good job!

Thank you for playing! And yeah once the jam is over we are going to make it so time completely stops when choosing a power. Lots of people agree with you that it is difficult to play because of that!

Very polished art style and game! Fun twist on the classic tetris, and a creative use of the theme. The scaling definitely made the game more challenging, but also a lot more exciting and enjoyable!

Very impressed this is your guys' first game jam! It was very funny to level up my player haha and the art was really cool! I was going to suggest the camera pan be a little faster bc I was waiting around in LV1, but the game picked up pretty quickly and I was so grateful it wasn't faster TT. Good job!

Okay this game is ridiculously polished. The gameplay was so peaceful and smooth, the art was so cute and consistent, and it was a fun take on the theme. It was also just creative to make the spot a hero spawns in BEFORE their journey...what a fun idea! Also fits the theme of scaling because those heroes are gonna go off and do great things!

Very good job guys! So impressed this was made in 4 days!

The game did a great job of sucking me in and making me want to help the dragonfish! The art, lighting, and sound effects were all spot-on, the game mechanics felt very smooth (it was so fun to scale the fish) and I loved the animation/zoom-in for taking out a thorn. Overall a simple but polished game! Also interesting take on the theme~

Haha this convo is funn

:O Idk why but this is like my favorite game so far. It is SOOOO FREAKING CUTE I love the bees omg they made my day!!! And the flowers are so pretty and the clouds agghhhh really amazing aesthetic you have going on! I also feel like the balance was fun because at first I was like ok ok $20 I can get there, and then I was like OMG I CAN'T CLICK FAST ENOUGH TO SPEND MY MONIES. Anyways I had a lot of fun!

One thing is I didn't notice there were upgrades until $2000 was really insignificant to me, and by that point the upgrades weren't that effective. I mostly kept playing because of the adorable art after a certain point because I bought everything quickly, but i think given the time constraint it was super fun and the balance worked!

Thank you! And haha yeah it is quite difficult, I think based off feedback we will add more of a breather when players level-up.

Yay thank you! OMG the artist put so much love into that crumbling anim, she'll be super happy to hear that people like it!

Thank you! Our artists are so happy to hear you liked their work! Originally we wanted to make more tile sprites to break up the background, but unfortunately ran out of time. We will also def edit the game to pause during level up when the jam is over!

YESSS the pterodactyl is also my favorite enemy :)

Thank you! Definitely what we were going for to match the theme!

Haha yeah, I think a lot of people agree with you :) When the jam is over we are gonna edit that so people have a fighting chance!

Happy you enjoyed playing!! 

Thank you!!

Thank you!

Very creative interpretation of the theme! I was a bit confused about the controls at first, but once you learn what you are doing it becomes a fun speed game. The background was pretty!

I really liked the power up options you have and how it lets the gameplay progress more smoothly. We have a similar game so it was fun to see how different a game with the same mechanics can feel! The art and story all very cohesive and I love the music!

That was really fun to play! Once you got used to scaling the asteroids, the gameplay felt really smooth and exciting! I also loved the art, audio, and fun humor throughout! Loved the premise that we were just on the job haha. Good work!

Wow this game was so fun and unique! The visuals are SO impressive and cohesive, and you do a great job of leading the player in and scaling up the complexity! I was never lost/confused, and I really enjoyed seeing how quickly I could adapt to the recipes! Very polished :)

Very creative game!! Once I figured out how to play it, the game progressed very smoothly!

The atmosphere of the game was really peaceful and cohesive.  I liked how the world opened up the more you played...items that meant nothing to you before suddenly became useful for progression, little nooks and crannies you missed the first time opened into whole new sections!

Cute art style, very wholesome-feeling setting! I loved the transition from the two different worlds as well, very thematically satisfying

That was cute, very relaxing and enjoyable to play.  Each level had a unique them with aesthetically pleasing art~

I loved the humor of the game, made me wanna keep playing to explore the character. Art was also cute!

The art style was so pretty!! I want my room to be this cute... Loved the idea of decorating your phone with stickers and also getting planets lmao

That was cute :) I thought it was super creative using size to navigate a little maze inside a corrupt cell! 

The art was so cute and the take on the theme was really great! It was so fun that the character changed size along with the pictures :)

That was so cute!  The narration was good and peaceful I was totally absorbed in the world and excited to continue reading on. I also LOVED the sound effect for killing monsters - very satisfying. The art was simple but gorgeous - the simplicity worked well for it. I am not totally sure how well the theme fit. Getting bigger and smaller was fun for the shadows on the wall, but did not connect that much to gameplay or combat (besides fitting into a couple tunnels). Either way very enjoyable indeed!

Oooh that was so good! It was so scary/creepy that I actually felt my heart racing a bit in panic! And I like the gameplay mechanic to stop the terminals - it adds a fun mini game, and the more panicked I was the worse I did which was fun haha

Very impressive! Probably took me a bit longer than it should have but I had fun trying to figure it out! The art is all SO cool and the story at the beginning was adorable 

This game was very clean and addicting! The puzzles were enjoyable to play, the game mechanics were introduced at an appropriate rate, and the aesthetics came together nicely :)

Very cute! The assets were all very cohesive, and you do a good job leading the player into the game mechanics with the clean tutorial explanation and visual cues.