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A member registered Jul 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi, thanks for the feedback ;)

I was planning on doing the "push away" thing in the post jam version, but I will have to be careful because it might be exploitable (the player can just click fast and as long as he doesn't misses, he won't die. Maybe that's fine though). I also wanted to do something when the player slashes multiple enemies at once, and having a score multiplier seems like a good idea actually. I will also try to make dead enemies stand out less (or more?) and see how it works out.

Anyways thanks again, see you around!

Yea, Katana Zero style. That also crossed my mind but I discarded it because there are just too many enemies, it will last too much. But maybe I can give it a try.


I thought about slowing the time depending on the number of enemies hit, yea. Maybe I'll add it to the post jam version (if I end up doing it). And about the "sudden death", that could be solved pushing away enemies that are close to the character when attacks (but not close enough to die).

Also there is something that people seems to not be aware of (because it is not explained, my fault). You can actually move using WASD.

"EDIT: 135!! Come at me nerds!!"

This game might be too easy after all 🤔

This is actually so good. Thanks :')

Hi, thanks for the comments. 

I agree that the game is probably too hard. I didn't have anyone to playtest the game at the time so it ended up getting balanced for me, which probably wasn't a good idea because I played it more than the average player will do.  I wanted to make the game hard enough so people should struggle to get a 100 killstreak, but be able to do it. I managed to get a 150 killstreak.

Also, I agree dead bodies make it hard to distinguish enemies. I tried to fix it by varying the color of the enemies slightly, but wasn't enough. I thought of adding different kinds of enemies too, but I didn't have time to do it. 

"Also please add a highscore server or something! I'd love to compete against friends in a game like this. ". I really wanted to do this but again, I didn't have time to do it. I might do it for a post jam version.

And yea, the death sound and the repeating text is a bit annoying. Sorry.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback!

No need for rating my game, I'm just here for the bad fan art.
