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A member registered May 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you. I've been enjoying working on it, and having you around to see it has helped encourage me. :D

It comes standard with Ren'Py nowadays! ^u^

Is Lupin Still Flirting doesn't have image descriptions, but it does have a self-voicing feature. If you feel that this game doesn't meet the qualifications for the blind-friendly tag, let me know, and I'll remove the tag. I don't want to cause trouble by having it mischaracterized!

Awww, thank you so much for enjoying it, and leaving the kind words! You picked out a fair few moments that made me very happy to write, so that leaves me feeling confident that those moments landed. ^u^ Thanks, Scale!

Ahhh, I'm thrilled that you had a good time with it! The bulk of this text was originally written when I was trying to write Lead Into Gold/Serialized Killer as a NaNoWriMo project, and I had these letters scattered between chapters, so that they were filling in the blanks of the main narrative, as the story progressed. 

But I'm sure you know how it is when you're writing prose; sometimes the desire to see sprites on screen is just too much! And I found myself really pulled between how I wanted each letter to be read, and which character's perspective I wanted to lean into. The letter-sliding mechanic came from that pure greed to have it both ways. VNs are so wonderful when you're a greedy writer; you get to have multiple tracks and endings and all the intimate character social interactions you want during dialogue. ^U^

Да!  Рыжеволосая женщина тоже одинакова в обеих играх! 😁

Hahahaha, Hill House jumpscare! It's cool that you got to have that experience; sometimes when I read a novel or watch a movie that takes place somewhere I know, it adds a lot!

Totally understandable! I'm honestly impressed that you're even taking time to stop back by to comment on submissions that don't make it in, that's really diligent and kind of you. Good luck with the bundle, and I'll keep this in mind when looking at future bundles.

Thank you so much, and I look forward to checking out your let’s play! Talaiporia is a ton of fun to write for, and she and Hendrik are a joy to have bounce off each other. 😁

And I hope you have fun with some of the others later! Hendrik and Talaiporia have a significant role in NonPlatonic Forms, and I’m looking forward to continuing to go more in-depth with their history and how much trouble Talai can make when she’s let loose in public!

Thank you so much! Writing for these two is such a joy, and I would be delighted if they could function as good ambassadors for visual novels in general. ^u^

Thank you!

Whoa, this was incredible.

Thanks, I needed new capsule art for the Steam release! I would’ve liked to have been able to paint it in watercolor, but I had only a limited amount of time, so digital was better than nothing. 😁

Hey thank you so much! These two are a lot of fun to write for, and I’m editing the next update right now, so I hope you look forward to it in the next week!

Hey there! Thank you so much for reading, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it! ^u^ I'm very happy with this cast too, and would like for some of them to return in future chapters! They've got some important arcs that are just getting set up. :D

Harold is trans, and it's totally fine if you found what was going on with him a little confusing. He's feeling something that is pretty common to a lot of trans folks, but it's something that is a little more complex than a lot of mainstream media likes to depict. If we get to make more chapters, then we'll get deeper into the topic, but if you want a bit more of an explanation, Harold lets slip a little bit more in this prequel game:

Okay, “botched Amber job” has officially entered my Neathy vocabulary. XD

This was so much fun to finally get to sit down and watch; it made me happy to see other Fallen London players getting the jokes and references I was setting up. A writer can’t control how a reader reacts to what they make, but it is really really gratifying to see when your intentions click well. Also your combined laughter is really infectious; watching this put me in such a good mood.

You’re correct about how the randomized element works; it’s assigned right after the player clicks to Start a new game on the main menu. It sets values for each of the three books, which picks one that pages wants as a gift, one which pages would NOT like as a gift, and one which it already owns. Pages’ art changes based on that last one, and a different book will be hanging from its belt.

I love that you both had a wager on the outcome of this playthrough! It makes me want to make more games that people can have a friendly competition with! That might be silly to say when, you know, two-player games are super common. But I make visual novels, so there usually isn’t any PVP! XD Sorry that this had to be a game with the end message of “Win conditions are subjective,” when you directly needed a binary win/loss for your own fun style of play! I’m going to be pretty busy with other visual novels for the foreseeable future, but if I make another game with Pages, I’ll let you know about the possibility for a rematch! 😁 

Thank you! I was hoping that that section would be a little tense, haha, I didn't want this game to be like, a horror game, but sometimes a little bit of fear makes the fluff land better later. :3

Thank you very much! 😁

Thank you! Coding character reactions is one of my favorite parts of VNs, so I thought swiping the letter to peek at them would be fun

And who says that wasn’t what Hawley was intending 👀

Thank you! And I would like to have a button to click to slide the letter sometime, I just need to figure out the coding on it XD

It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last, that is a Turnabout Guarantee ™️

Yeah, Pages can be very evil, but it’s just so cute while doing it 😊

Thank you so very much! I'm glad that you liked Lupine; when I was updating the game, I had to sneak a new CG of him in there: 

Heeheehee, no worries if it took a couple tries, it just meant you got to see some more endings! And I'm super flattered that you were using a dictionary while playing. Some of my favorite text based games have me right-clicking the "define" option in my browser all the time so I can learn more words. XD

Thank you, that's incredibly kind of you to say! We very much loved making this game, and I never pass up a chance to break out the paints.

Thank you very much, and especially for sharing your thoughts on the imps! I quite like getting to hear what people have picked up on while playing; metaphor is much better for communicating these sorts of emotional things than just plopping them down in a wiki or something XD

Thank you very much! And you're correct, Gareth's name (and nickname, Gary), were chosen because they're usually male names.

And I very much appreciate that you liked the characterization! One of the things I enjoy the most about mysteries is getting to peel back the layers of characters and see what they're hiding.

Thank you so much! these characters are very near and dear to my heart, and Harry would be very consoled to know that someone liked and accepted him just the way he is. ^u^

Awww, thank you for playing it, and for such high praise! Though I gotta admit, the dictionary's got a lot of cool words in it, there's fodder for something interesting in there... 🤔

Thank you! Painting it was a blast. ^_^

I'm pretty excited and intimidated, doing all the Steam stuff! I just uploaded my first build to the page, and it's running smoothly so far!

Super gay. ^u^

Hey there! My apologies for the late response. This game has a self-voicing feature if you press the "V" key while playing, and it will read dialogue or buttons aloud when hovered. I went in to check and see if the controls allow you to tab through options, but sadly, the use of the mouse is still required.

Thank you for your work collecting them, and good luck! Please let me know if there's something I can update my tags to, and I'll be very happy to change them if we don't meet standards for the "blind support" tag!

Don't worry, you're not hallucinating! Since the game is being made right now, I have new screenshots to show off every month or so.

Thank you very much, and welcome to the world of visual novels! I have no doubt that you'll find something that you like even more soon. And that's not because I don't have faith in my games, but because the medium of VNs is so weird and cool that it's easy to find new favorites all the time. ^u^

If you liked Harry and Hawley, please consider trying out Serialized Killer, they're in that one, too!

I'm currently making a route map for my patrons! It's actually kind of a challenge to figure out how to map this, since the route structure is slightly irregular. XD

Thank you for your interest!

Thank you so much! Hawley does indeed have albinism, which presents quite a lot of challenges for him out at sea.

We always welcome translation! There's a channel for it in the playtester discord, if you ever feel like going for it!

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such detailed feedback! I'll note these down and see if I can learn a way to fix them. Truth be told, I'm still not entirely happy with the controls for the swapping mechanic, and if I can find a way to animate the screen movement and code it to a keyboard button, I'd really like to offer it as an alternative!

Aww, thank you so much! I'm honored that they resonated so deeply with you. ^u^ I hope you have a nice time with Serialized Killer, and if you'd ever like to chat about Harry and Hawley, or help out with future games that they're in, please consider joining the playtester discord! We'd love to have you!

Thank you! I always feel like I struggle with worldbuilding, so having two academics rambling on about their field of study was a very smooth framework. Letting the characters have fun studying the world attaches emotional stakes to it, I guess?

And I'm glad that the game stuck the landing at the end! I edited a portion of an old NaNo piece for this, and though the letters continue after that moment, it really felt like the best moment to end it on. And the fact that I now had visuals meant that I had an opportunity to do something that pure prose hadn't initially allowed. ^u^ Man, I love visual novels!