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A member registered Jul 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice summary of 32 bit info, theres some interesting stuff in there! I enjoyed going through it all this afternoon while brainstorming for the gamejam.

I would certainly like to see the section on music :)

Hi @Kiyklik, 

I will state this info in the gamejam overview soon, but to quickly answer your questions:

1) I've originally thought that the answer here would be 'no', that all assets should be created during the gamejam. But if we hav enough people join, I could end up taking on a ruleset like Ludum Dare,  where there is a 'Jam' and 'Compo' to choose from - the 'Jam' allowing you to use freely avaliable assets and work as a team, with the 'Compo' being a challenge where you work solo and make *all* assets during the gamejam. I'll confirm this closer to the gamejam kicking off. 

Ludum Dare rules here for further reading:

2) Same answer as the above for 1) ^

3) The topic is known ahead of time because its the general theme of the gamejam. I could very well throw in an additional secret element or theme to be annouced the moment the gamejam kicks off as well, because that is always a fun thing to have. This could be something the judging panel suggests and then votes on! So I do have plans to do this, again stay tuned for more info ahead of the gamejam's start time being finalized. 

Also please note I have pushed back the start time for the gamejam again, this gamejam will kick off at the same time as the dearMoon mission launches - there have been delays here in the Starship program so the exact date of this gamejam is TBD.

More info:

Thankyou for your questions!

(1 edit)

Apologies to everyone for letting the countdown get to T-20 days. But the dearMoon crewed launch is still a fair way off. At this point we still dont have a launch date, and so this gamejam needs to be pushed back again.

I have pushed the date back a year to December 2024 - however I feel even this is optimistic. We could very well be looking at 2025 or later for the mission to launch (and therefore gamejam to kick off). So expect more delays to be very likely. 

Here is an update from Yusaku Maezawa over on Twitter:

And of course even with the program and its progress becoming quite delayed, it was great to see the first Starship Launch back on April 20th this year. Flight test 2 could be as early as this month (November). And if launches can ramp up from there as we head in to 2024 - we might see this crewed launch finally lined up! 

Thanks to everyone who has joined so far! Its great to see 83 people have joined so far. 100 is not far off!

And thankyou for your patience. We will get there eventually!


Crew announcement is out today! 

Its great to see Tim Dodd in there! Certainly looking like we have a very diverse range of crew for this mission, some very interesting artists overall (see the dearMoon youtube channel for all the meet-the-crew videos

I've also just updated the date for the gamejam, its now looking like it will take place at the end of 2023 at the absolute earliest (this date/gamejam will likely be pushed into 2024 at some point). Unfortunately no super solid updates on the mission timeline itself, its still set on the website as 'late 2023' but I'm expecting it to push into 2024 still. 

Stay tuned for more updates, there should be a lot more content coming out about the mission as we get into next year. And its great to see so many people joining already!


Thanks MetaKris!

(1 edit)

I remeber seeing this pretty early on in the jam on discord, you got a lot done well and fast! Theres a lot of elements to RPGs so well done on that. Good to see the spaceman as the main character too. Some neat little details in here as well, like the sprite animation for the fire attack is nicely done - especially given you havent done much work with unity and 2D/sprites before! :)

A little confused with this one, not too sure on the controls overall, seems you can only move left and right! But good work getting into the jam, and coming out of it with an end product!

Nice work! I really like how the background art fits in and is animated, Im guessing got the background art from a Metaboy you own? Looks just like the original. Pretty tricky too, that rampaging lot of enemies keps you on your toes

Good work on the retro vibe here, always nice to see. The player character feels nice to control as well, very smooth, and I like the details here, like the enemies flashing white when they take a hit is some good visual feedback. I noticed at times when I killed them though, I would boost right up into the roof. Not sure if this is intended, but it didnt seem that consistant to me, could be neat to have that happen every 3-4 kills though, so you can use the boosted jump to really progress through the level. 

Good work getting an entry into the gamejam, not easy to do! Getting some extra theme integration points with those mystery purple circles too ;D

Great looking graphics here, I really liked the pixel art. Also neat to see the arrows having more of a physics approach, rather than just a sprite which registers a hit and thats it. 

Lol pretty amusing entry, I have a feeling you had some fun making this! 

Demanding a soundtrack release XD

Thanks svntax - yep you know it! I usually work with Unity for my gamedev, so choosing three.js for the first time and trying to get a 3D pipeline going was a challenge. Plenty of directions I can go with this setup now, something Ive been needing to experiement/setup for a while now.

Nicely done with this entry! A fun one to play, quite tricky and fast paced, but that just makes it a good challenge. Lots of replayability and overall the controls are well thought out and nicely implemented. Nice work with the leaderboard as well, which is down today - but I'm sure youll get back online as soon as possible! But this of course adds a whole other level of depth to the entry, I feel like this is something I should be aiming to add to future gamejam games, it really drives that player/community engagement. 

A lot of good elements here, nice retro vibes and I was impressed to see the randomly generated levels every time I restarted. An unforgiving game too! You certainly got the 'cant stop wont stop' stress into the gameplay with the design choices made.

Thought it was too easy at first, but it certainly ramps up fast. Reminds me of those mobile game ads! Nice work integrating the Metaboy model in as well, I like the animation details like the hand reaching up briefly as he tragically dies XD

Cant stop - cant stop! You werent wrong when you said its a tough one. Sure gets frightening the higher up you get. I really like the canyon you setup here, and the way it lets you see the water rising even when youre well above it. Good work ToadCrunchy

Cheers zman950, it helps that Metaboy is such a good design. All that retro gaming goodness :D

Thanks spaceman! :)

Thankyou Patrion! And thanks for the assistance & motivation throughout, cant wait to take a stab at the *next* Metaboy gamejam in future ;D

(4 edits)

As my approach here was with the blockchain in mind - you can also check out a minted NFT version of this demo on Layer 2 Loopring: (Build v0.0.2

To follow my work (gamedev or web3) find me on twitter: / 

And I have a discord now too!

Welcome Tsinomex377!

Great stuff, with music like this:

... I expect a team will happily take you on for the gamejam :D 

Keen to see/hear your ongoing works btw, following over on youtube!

I'm not sure how you feel about twitter, but I dont see you over there at all. Its a pretty good place for artists to share work/WIP and discuss. The gamedev side of twitter is great also. I think youd do well there.

Its great to see 32+ people now joined up and keen! 

Some quick updates on this gamejam:

The start date is still very much undetermined at this point. There hasnt been much news on the #dearMoon mission lately which doesnt help either, I'm still waiting on hearing some updates so I can (very likely) reschedule and push the gamejam back. At this point I'm not expecting it will take place in 2023. Its probably more likely the mission will be sometime in 2024. So I have had to push back the start date to mid-2023 now, as it was previously the start of 2023 (which is coming up too quickly!)

Check out the twitter for slow-rolling, on-going updates:

I've also launched my discord, which is (among other things) where this gamejam will be situated!

Feel free to join anytime, and DM/comment to request the 'GameJammer' role if youre participating! 

Discord link:

Hey Kranberry Games :) Im defs interested in more info on what youtube tutorials you went through for 2d lighting, Im working on some lighting for a game currently and this kind of style would be perfect, so any recommendations would be great! 

For the real earlybirds to this gamejam, I just want to welcome you to the gamejam page for the event (and thanks for being so keen so early on!) 

The #fromEarthGamejam will take place (likely) as early as 2023, but feel free to sign up now if youre super keen. 

Theres a twitter page too for those wanting updates as the months count down to the #dearMoon mission and kickoff of the fromEarth GameJam, found here:

I'll also post any major updates here.

Hashtag for the jam: #fromEarthGameJam


Haha Tonton

Congrats to the winners!! 

A great jam overall, really enjoyed it. Heres to the next one (hint hint) ;D

Thankyou! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Not a problem. And yes shader really helped with the retro vibes!

Just an FYI (I know youve already seen it XD) Featured your game in my twitter roundup of favourites! :)

Just an FYI, Featured your game in my twitter roundup of favourites! :)

Just an FYI, Featured your game in my twitter roundup of favourites! :)

Just an FYI, Featured your game in my twitter roundup of favourites! :)

Just an FYI, Featured your game in my twitter roundup of favourites! :)

Just an FYI, Featured your game in my twitter roundup of favourites! :)

Just an FYI, Featured your game in my twitter roundup of favourites! :)

Just an FYI, Featured your game in my twitter roundup of favourites! :)

Verrry interesting stuff, thanks for the extra info! 

... final post continued

Post-Jam Thoughts:

The dialogue/tutorial system was a big point to learn from. Too much complexity and bad code written by me at 3-4am while half asleep... The dialogue system (which I thought on day 6 was pretty solid) actually ended up being very bad because of this. There were some major bugs with that system, one bug in particualr I didnt fix until after the jam had finished, at a time when I was really done with bug fixing and bashing my head against a wall, and should have been sleeping (you can still break it in the current build quite easily). A lesson to learn from though, I now know I need to put in the time to get a bit better at coding these kinds of systems for future gamejams. 

The scope of this game was far too much. A problem I had often with gamejams. I always seem to want to build complicated systems that work together, which is something Ive accepted is what I enjoy in making games. But I really need to reign that in and focus on some smaller and more achievable goals. Its easy to think to yourself "I have 7 days to make this game, lets aim super high!" and then bite off way more than you can chew, which is exactly what I did. 

Things I really wanted to add but didnt have time for:

  • More characters and creatures! I originally wanted a lot of things to talk to in the game, from enemies, to grass (you can find 1 demo bit of grass to talk to), trees rocks, houses and so on, I basically wanted everything to be something you could talk to. It would have been super silly but pretty fun at the same time. Plus theres a lot of potential for world building, if youve got multiple characters all talking about various things
  • Enemy bear - that initial scene was meant to setup the bear as the main enemy in the game. If there was more levels or even an end section, he would have harassed you at various times and likely would be the end boss for the demo.
  • Beeeees - bees were meant to be the first general enemy, sent in by the bear to disrupt and control the land. I even had a neat bee model I threw together!
  • Health - Yep no health or damage, since there was no enemies I didnt bother to add this 
  • Final level - I had a great idea for a final end-game area, consisting of multiple smaller areas. But ofc was far too low on time in the end to make it happen
  • Music - I made the start of an attempt, but didnt get very far, you can find a banjo playing doge in the game whos play a very bad section of music on repeat, becasue why not! I initially wanted him to be the main one playing music in the game, and the music would likely be bad, so youd be able to pay him to stop XD
  • More abilities - You can see in the screenshot above, there were a couple of abilitys I didnt get around to. 

The bee that didnt make it in-game :(

Things Im really happy with:

  • The overall N64/PSX theme - this was what I was most excited to make and it shows, I put a lot of time into the visuals. But both the shiba and the coins and various parts of the levels turned out really well, very happy to push myself in terms of that stuff
  • The controls and camera - again something very N64 inspired, I spent a lot of time playing Banjo Kazooie, trying to pull apart how the controls and camera worked, so I could make my own version. Its a much simpler version, but I feel like Ive got it pretty close & the feedback so far as been very positive in this area
  • Animations - an area that use to be super intimidating, I think for gamejams I at least pull off some ok animating, the key is to keep the model and rig as simple as possible and just smash out the animations ASAP
  • Tutorial system - this turned out very straight forward and I think is a strong point in the game, it took a bit to setup and was pretty closely linked with major bugs with the dialogue system, but overall was a strong point
  • Just getting a game completed! This is always the main thing, nothing worse than coming to the end of a jam feeling defeated and with nothing decent to show

doge DIG?

Some final stats for the gamejam overall:

Scripts written: 32

Lines of code: Over 3800 (540 lines of code per day average!)

3D Models: 20+

Textures: 54 (+64 for each frame of the coin spin sprite)

Unity Materials: 80+

Animations: ~48

Prefabs: 48

Also surpised to see no one has found any secrets yet. Theres a couple! (one of the shiba gives some clues)

Such secrets............

At this point Ive played everyones entries in this gamejam now as well, some quality games created in the past week, its been a blast interacting with everyone and getting into the gamedev. Thanks to Billy for organizing, and I hope we see everyone again for another future #dogecoingamejam .. soon!

If youre wanting to play/rate/give feedback for StoryOfShiba, you can find it here:

How many dogecoin can you collect? 

Ok so, Day 7 final update + post-jam thoughts?

I finished a game worth submitting (well, more of a demo), thats the first thing I guess! 

Certainly far from 100% happy with it and it was quite the rollercoaster on that final day, but thats just how gamejams go sometimes.

So before I talk about the gamejam overall this is what I did on the final day:

  • Added in the bear creature. This guy shows up in the first area, he was very quickly modelled and animated. But actually turned out ok. Setting up the intro to learning how to bark by scaring him took longer than I wanted. I wish I could have included more moments like this, its a very retro-gaming moment that throws me right back into games of the 90s with the cut scene and silly setup & payoff. 

Scared bear!
  • Added in more skill progression. There was meant to be a few more abilities in the game, but I had to cut them in order to focus on more important things. Below are all the abilitis I had planned. The only ones that didnt make it were 'Floof Ahoy' (glide ability), 'Very High uwu' (double jump) & 'Best Shiba!!!' (mystery final ability)

Many abilities
  • BATTLED with the dialogue and tutorial system. The tutorial system itself was pretty solid, but I think the way it worked in with the dialogue system was just problematic. This caused a lot of lost time in that final day since I had some very game breaking bugs on my hands, which I didnt realize until I playtested it a few times. 

  • More work on area 3: Now this is where I was starting to really stress out. I had level 3 designed to some degree, at least as far as the concept and layout went, and how it would work in with unlocking and then utilizing the final abilities. Its a shame because I had some really cool places I wanted to make, and characters to add. But it ended up being far too much. By the time I fixed the dialogue system I'd burnt through too much time and had to cut my losses. Thankfully I think I saved it a bit and managed to find an idea to give players *something* at the end of the game....

The final pivot - with only 2 areas completed, I knew I needed another area to give players something else to do. Luckily I had a great idea come to me. I cant remember when or how, it was during the final night of gamedev when I was completly mentally scattered. But I realized I had that entire dev-testing area sitting around. So in the final 30mins of the gamejam I made a final shiba character to meet you outside area 2, who would thank you for playing the game and then give you the option of travelling to this develoment area. At least that gives players something else to check out and do in the end, rather than cutting the game short at that point which would have felt like a massive let down. 

End area, open for early access! Shiny coins inside
