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A member registered Jun 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Currently looking into Godot. I'm not sure yet if I like the Nodes workflow, although it's probably not that different from Unity's Prefab system. I want to see what tools are available in their editor and how much I need to tooldev myself.

If I really can't get into Godot I will go for UE. Although I have a heavy dislike for Epic, at least they aren't publicly traded (yet) so they are more hesitant to try shit like Unity just did and it's industry standard for a reason.

What is certain for me though is that I will leave Unity behind. I've been using that engine since 3.5 and I will probably never be affected by the new licensing but the past two years they have shown that they are an unreliable business partner. I just REALLY dislike shareholder vultures ruining every software/game.

(4 edits)

Man you're so early! Just started another playthrough in anticipation last night and now I'm torn between loading an up-to-date save or just keep playing. Anyhow, I'm excited to see this month's cliffhanger and the update is double the size of previous ones hngggghh!

Thank you for doing what you do

Kana will remember this.

Meanie... also Nagisa wedding when??

These look absolutely gorgeous! I haven't used them yet, but I will definitely do at some point, I have already some uses in mind. Please make more these are great!!

Thanks for the kind words :)

Just checked it out, thank you for the kind words that really motivates me! :)

(1 edit)

Wow, thank you so much!

To answer your question: Basically, every affected Rigidbody gets their own gravity direction based on their position with the center of the circle world being the source of it. I just calculate the direction from the center towards the position of the object. When they move I create a move Vector that has a positive or negative value on the x-axis (think of it as local move direction), then transform that into a world direction (so that their movement is based on their rotation) and set it as velocity. Then I add, when the object is not grounded, gravity direction + a force (speed) to their velocity. 

It's probably not the most elegant or performant way but it works I guess. I can send you some sample code if you're interested, just message me.

Thank you for the feedback, really appreciate it! I will make sure my next entry will have more clear messaging to the player :-)

Hey, thanks for the honest feedback. You're absolutely right, why didn't I think of the W key before? lol

Thank you very much! It's my first jam so I'm kinda surprised people like it :D

Simple art, great polishing, what's not to like?

Great game, the addition of a highscore is so cool. I had some trouble with anticipating the balls' movements at first but I could make it to #6 eventually. As a Bavarian I I couldn't help but notice the Oktoberfest-themed Lebkuchenherz :')

Thanks for trying it out. :)

Being able to discharge was certainly on my TODO list but I couldn't afford to spend more time on the already overshot time limit unfortunately. Having an indicator for the portal changes is a neat idea I'd really like to implement if I ever were to expand on this little game, thanks for the feedback!

I'm actually surprised by the smooth physics of the vehicle controls, wow! Love the idea of the game, would definitely like to play a fully fledged version of this.

Thanks, I merely mashed free assets together though :P

Absolutely adore the art and the audio! Unique idea, I really like it, reminds me of the good old days of flash games.

Really neat game, I like the sheer amount of content for that little dev time, I know designing puzzles isn't easy.

Thanks! :)

Thank you very much!

Very cool idea, I really like the gameplay concept. The first train spooked me to oblivion though :D

Thank you! Yes I've noticed myself. I was already well over the 3 hour limit mark and I had to submit the game so good balancing wasn't on the top of my priorities unfortunately. Anyway, thanks again!

Will there be a buy-to-play version here on itch as well, or any other store for that matter? A few weeks ago our government told Steam that they can't sell adult themed games to us adult citizens anymore, can't even access the store page.

these look absolutely gorgeous, already have something in mind where I might use them