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A member registered Sep 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot !

Yeah I think we need to spike up the difficulty a bit too! 

Jump scared me the first time I heard it too 

Yeah the art and music were incredible, I agree, and yeah That feedback has been quite prevalent and I will look into implementing a mechanic in the future to lure the player away from the dam for added difficulty, thanks for the feedback :D 

Ahaha yes, need to add in collisions as well as some incentive to leave the dam behind! Thanks for the feedback 

Yeah we are thinking of patching in some difficulty modifiers moving forward so the game is a bit harder + a lose condition if the water goes over the dam! Thanks a lot for the feedback

We think our music is actually really cool! Hamie managed to make a track that drops out different layers of it to eventually make it feel sad with each families death! I will definitely check out your music though! good luck in the jam :D 

Yeah the 3D design team done a fantastic job in such a short time

Ahaha, I HOPE it was just you who thought that. There is a detailed how to play below the game! but thanks for the feedback :D 

Appreciate it!

Ahahah glad you embodied the role of the beaver

Thanks so much !

Yes, We thought a twist on the nice aesthetic would be a dark undertone I'm glad it hit its mark

Thanks! It definitely is a different.. idea 

Thanks for the feedback! there is a detailed how to play below the game :D but I'm  glad you could tell what to do after a playthrough or two!

Ahaha sorry buddy 😅😅. Did you manage to complete it?

Yeah the feedback I got was a lot of people asking for timers originally so they could see how fast they could beat it :P there is a tonne of ways to decrease your time. Thanks for the feedback :D 

aha no way! Unfortunate you wasn't able to do it :D its weird some people spend 30+ minutes on it, and others do it in less then 20 tries, but that's the fun of it I guess. Thanks for the feedback though! cant wait to see more of yours as well 

(1 edit)

200 ATTEMPS IS INSANE.  I am super flattered by the compliments too but ahahaha Im super glad you were addicted enough to do it though :D. And YES I know I have tried to patch it but I will have to try again, I cant seem to get it to stop falling into the platform on rare occasions.  Thanks for your feedback :D 

Ah a fellow man who enjoys making difficult games aha, Loved the aesthetics the pixel art was done really well :D and ofc what the others said with coyote time BUT great job I enjoyed it alot 

Apparently it is something that only happens on ultrawide monitors >:( Ill try and have a look into how to stop that from happening, but thanks for the feedback! :D 

Honestly my favourite of all the games I have played. Level design is great too. Definitely my favourite I have  played could easily be a successful phone game. 

Awesome game bro :) I couldnt complete the last level, maybe im missing something? but I feel like you could really expand on this concept with a lot of varying puzzle levels :D 

Loved this game, I think if you made it so you could only change your direction once per block it would make it more challenging :D original idea though! 

Definitely a nice casual experience. Also the Aesthetics and the feel of the game is just perfect. Loved it :) 

the music is amazing aha, what did you use for it? The game does feel a bit repetitive quite quickly, but its nice that it loops as long as you can keep playing :) Love the aesthetics too 

Yeah this game was actually really enjoyable for me :D I loved the idea of obtaining new abilities each run

As said by others not a lot of the prerequisite utilised, BUT the car controls and the game FEEL is there and its amazing for 2 hours work :) good job man 

Yess! Im glad, thats exactly what I was aiming for. thanks so much for the feedback :D 

Thanks you! and ahaha Definitely no checkpoints :P an entire run is less then a minute, I think the enjoyment comes from failing over and over and then the parts you struggled with become easy! but I'm glad you enjoyed it !

Thanks so much! good luck to you too :D 

Thank you! took a lot of testing to get the right balance so it was difficult and not Impossible, glad that translated well to you during your gaming experience with it :D Thanks for the feedback and playing the game! 

Hmm. Wonder why that is, I will have to look into Unity's interactions with ultrawide monitors in the future. But thanks for the feedback! I guess I could change some of the assets too. Thanks for playing though :) 

Its just patience and learning from your mistakes aha I'm SURE you could beat it with some dedication don't doubt yourself, but I appreciate the feedback! Thanks for playing :) 

Thank you! I keep getting told its very addicting which is fun. I wanted to make the game feel "long" but obviously since we only had 2 days I couldn't do that without making it difficult with replay ability. Sorry to hear the gap wasn't visible unless in full screen. Its my first 2D and WebGL project, Ill try patch it out in the future, thanks for the feedback though :D 

Ahaha no problem, glad you enjoyed it for now though, do let me know if you manage to complete it.

Thanks so much! Glad to see you were able to complete it :D 

Awesome game man! The Aesthetics is what really sold it for me :) 

Ill give it a try for a future patch! but thanks a lot bro :D

Aahaha yeah  its definitely a difficult run, did you manage to beat it?