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Hiya, 1st thank you for reading the vn, but there's no need to use such language, I accepte all criticism, for grammar yes I'm I still need to learmln more english so it can be corrected, when I said improvements I also was reffering to the new sprites, bgs and adding some small to the vn and what people are thinking of the story so far :)

(4 edits)

I think the grammar's usually okay, but sometimes there are little mistakes like you said your working on it 😄. I reckon the main thing to work on is giving less detail for small stuff. It can make things sound a bit too complicated and awkward sometimes. You're occasionally altering your wording, which can make the sentence sound wierd 😅.

The art is solid line art is not bad at all! Adding some variety in contrasts, textures, and tweaking the lighting and shading could take it up a notch. But overall, not too shabby! 😁

Dude, people in the comment section to this game are volunteering to help you with grammar, yet you *still* decided to ignore them all and continue writing your visual novel with your subpar knowledge of English! Do you seriously expect me not to get angry at that fact?