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(1 edit)

It is... pretty big, yeah. I'm not sure how far you got, but there are at the moment ten different areas to explore!

I really have my team to thank for that. Usually I work solo, but having a team of artists and composers meant I didn't have to do as much work, so I was really able to focus on game design and coding (and a little bit of art). (A side note, while the last week I had a full time job, the start of the jam I was only working weekends, so I wouldn't be surprised if I put 8-10 hours a day into this game on the days I was free.)

There are indeed save points! There are other teleporters scattered around the map, though it is also good feedback to hear that you didn't find them in an hour. I think in future builds I might bring the first teleporter closer to the start of the game, it is a good distance away since you have to basically go through all of the plains to find it. Maybe I'll put one in the middle of the Plains as well.

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!