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2 man Co-op would be more than enough fun! :D Multiplayer is too much atm I think.


2 man co-op would be great idea for this game:DD


Ohh, I ment 2 players. Not necessary 2 men.


lol why is there so much down votes on you correcting a small mistake 0-o


i think 2 player would be great better yet if you had different rafts but could build 2 each other or move them to set the building blocks for server play IF the devs want sever play


don't 2 идут 4 люди


"dont 2 go 4 people" ( google translate) and i think once they get the ground work for 2 people it should be easy to put it up to 4+ people.

я думаю, что как только они получают подготовительную работу для 2-х человек он должен быть легким, чтобы положить его до 4 + людей. (Google Translate очень жаль, если его неправильно)