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Thank you so so much for your thorough comment.

As for the unreachable end on level two, I’m just guessing here but it might be that the procedural generation failed to connect all rooms on your seed and then placed the exit in a place you couldn’t get to. That would be very unfortunate. I’ll have to review all 3600 seeds and see what I can come up with and add some handling of that scenario. Very unfortunate.

More portals than collected tardigrades is for sure a bug. I’m guessing you at least could not place before you collected your first tardigrade? But that you had collected several, and when you placed them the little tardigrade icon never disappeared? Or that after you collected one, you could place even after that icon was gone… Up onto my bug-list!

There should be no way other than leveling up to increase one’s sanity. And that during combat health sometimes restores is another bug.

Opening map while having party open… I hadn’t thought of that. Pure luck nothing fell apart doing so :)

I’m planning to redo the fighting quite a bit, giving a bit more agency to the player while keeping the core auto-battle. It’d be interesting what an auto-battle skeptic would feel about it after those changes.

Again, thank you so much for the extremely useful feedback. Several new issues opened!

Well I always like to provide as much feedback as I can!

Regarding the tardigrade I could only place portals after picking up the first tardigrade, and I was still able to place portals after the tardigrade icon disappeared.

The auto-battle changes would certainly be interesting to see, good luck with the post-jam patch!