Hello! I’m glad you got to play the game!
The crabs motion is like this: they move in one direction until they hit a corner. While in a corner, they have a 50% chance to take a break, a 25% chance to go back the way they came, and a 25% to keep going around the corner.
I debated adding step back, but I decided that it might lead to unfair deaths. Maybe I’ll play around with adding it in the next version.
Checkpoints would be pretty easy to add, the main reason why I didn’t was I wanted to keep it somewhat difficult while keeping it short. Adding checkpoints with the current content would definitely make it too easy. When I make it a bigger game checkpoints will definitely be a must though.
I’m glad you like it, and I really appreciate your feedback! You might see some of it implemented when I start working on it after judging is over :)