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I like the board on the left (idk if it was there before), in the beginning I wasn't able to tell that it's there since there's no tutorial in-game that tells me what each thing does, so some things aren't clear to me, but I still cant tell when the game finishes, I feel like it takes too long to finish the "first day" maybe keep day 1 as a few bodies only, then slowly make it more bodies to inspect per day.

I also liked that you added a new type of patient, which is women lol (idk if it was there before). It adds more variety to the game visually, but gameplay wise there's no difference between each patient. I feel like you can expand upon the game more by giving the player more tools to work with (slowly introducing them each few days to these tools so they're not overwhelmed). I also think the movement is a bit too slow, I found the most boring part being walking around, while the animations of the doctor and the other guy cool, they take too long. (maybe have them run instead of walk).

That's the feedback I had to give, hope this helps! :D


thank you for your feedback ) I will upgrade the prototype soon