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First of all, I think this is my favorite cover and one of my favorite premises - and so quickly and effectively conveyed! The use of graphic flowchart on the right is top notch.

The doubles rules are an incredibly effective, thematic, and gameable addition to the core rules! I particularly love 2+2=5! The conjuring of items is similarly wonderful.

The freeing of prisoners = new characters available for troupe play is super duper good. The requirement to continue freeing others in order to heals is killer.

The d66 table is tight, dense, and amazingly useful for a ref to use to spin up not just new players but also to figure out whose cell you're in next!

This game is so wonderfully playable for troupe/open tables play leading a revolt against heaven, and the one cell per session structure is one you could throw together on short notice to drop folks into.

I'd love to see a bunch of one page cells as a future expansion or supplement, plus character sheets!


Thank you for the thoughtful and  kind words! I def want to update it with character sheets and there’s plenty I can clarify throughout. A friend who read it said it sounds like Holodeck adventures from Star Trek and that’s a super obvious touchstone I didn’t think of.  And ya, I def want to add some mini adventure setups. I hadn’t thought of the d66 table as another way to generate the next scenario but that’s a great idea I also didn’t think of - thank you!