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[insert here] here, so i played your game and i'm gonna say stuff about it now. The game's art is awesome! The game is very fun too. The music and the audio, there all cool too. This is one good game. My only complaint is that it doesn't fit the jam theme. Kudos! Kinda hurt my eyes lol.


First of all, thanks a lot ! And about the theme, I've explained a bit in the description on the game page but I searched for a less direct way of aplying the theme, like at first the game lies to you by showing you a "false" level then when you become white and the "real" level is revealed. And about that hurting eyes thing, yes I know, I didn't had this "issue" myself. But lots of people told me that, sorta kinda werid.


Lol i was partially joking and i you do make a valid point about the theme thing. I'll rerate it now! Thanks! :)