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(1 edit)

Ok but the  SRD Character Creator EX plugin lets the player himself/herself to customize a random face or battler sprite, how to put it into Synrec TBS plugin and when battling the battler sprite seems to be using the old sprite instead of the new custom battler sprites

Oh that's what you meant then no. Not available at of the current version.

What you can do is clear the override and use base actor graphics but the battler themselves is not the player. It is an inherited game character class modified specifically for use with this system.

You can try using map motions if you wanted custom battler motions on the map

Ok how can i do what you advice, pls provide steps

in the Synrec plugin code where can i change it so that it will display the custom faces, battler sprite instead of the default sprites?

You can change actor face, character and sv battler from an event, otherwise, you can try map motions extension

dont think can change the faces via events, cause i dont think the SRD Character Creator EX plugin store its custom faces, battlers sprites in the actor images files, so i was thinking changing the code eg from standard this.drawActorCharacter to --> this.drawCustomCharacter

Event system settings