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Wow the good old days feeling is really strong here. Outstanding work! I liked the level design, the art, the music, the difficulty.

As a subtle thing, I think that the charged basic attack is too OP and it has too much range. It is so good that it makes me want to slow down my pace quite a lot and wait for the bar to charge even in between two enemies. Maybe should it be less OP?

But it is so subtle that it didn't prevent me from enjoying the game. Congratulations!


Thank you very much for the feedback, I'm glad you liked the game. I had little time to work on balancing the game, but to give you an idea, the full attack was EVEN STRONGER. After the jam I intend to make some adjustments to this and other things.


haha nice, it means that you had already identified this challenge, that's good! Everything under control.

Don't hesitate to let me know after you work more on the game, I would love to try it again after those adjustments.

Great job