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Ok, what plugins for you have loaded?

(1 edit)


-- my plugin list

The reason for the forced close when you have a certain number of actors placed is because there is a plugin calling for the scene to "pop" or exit.

There is no scene pop function in the tactical battle system as it used the map scene itself and as such is avoided.

Please disable your plugins individually until you see a difference.

Ok but 1 actor battle and 1 actor/player after victory is ok, it wont exit

cause if i disable my plugin then and error message will appear say err due to disabled plugin and i have to remove all the settings for that particular plugin which is difficult

I disabled almost all except the alpha abs plugin where i have settings there, alpha abs is not enabled or call pop up, but i tried still the same error 1 player after victory can transfer map but 2 or more players after victory cannot transfer map? 

let me try to transfer the 4x players to a non abs aplha map

Good news Synrec it works i transfer to a non abs alpha map, and Works :D thks again for the good and fast support

Ok this is strange Synrec but after i am able to transfer all my eg 4 players to a non alpha abs map but from there i still cannot transfer back to a alpha abs enabled map :(  for many actors transfer. but for 1x actor transfer from TBS to alpha map is ok?? a bug ? pls help

What happens when you transfer from TBS to no abs to abs?

yes i tried that just now, seems cant, it will exit same for tbs to abs 

Then the issue seems to come from the ABS plugin itself

hmm strange but why 1 player can transfer but 2 or more players cannot transfer to other map?

let me check at abs side as well thanks Synrec