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Considering it's your first game, you nailed most of the stuff pretty good! Thanks for writing the "warnings" and "tips" at the beginning, they let us know what to expect. Loved the uplifting air shafts, and the messages you collect (consider a fade for the sound change there, it changes very suddenly). Always test test test and make sure the controls are working 99% before you move on to advanced functions and level design :) Good luck in making games! Your 11 yo sister is talented, encourage her, and make her feel that her art is beautiful <3


Thanks for the nicest comment so far! I was acctually planing on adding a fade but it was a tight scedule for the first time. I had to learn a lot other things so I could at least have a finished product in time. And do not worry, I will make sure to encourige my sis as much as I can! :)


I know the deadlines are kind of short, and we usually tend to overcomplicate things, just know, that these jams are amazing opportunities to push yourself more and more every time, learning something new, and producing better and better games every time :) I'm the most creative in these jams, under deadlines, so far. Can't get the same level of excitement without a deadline lol