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Hi men, I was interested at seeing the thumbnail (and I also downloaded it as a karma reward ;)
So well done with the 3D models and shaders.
Also a good responding player controller, it felt a bit like going up the hill was slower to do than going down, so maybe, instead of adding force, just set the speed so the right amount of force gets add (or maybe keep it the way you havce it because I didn't understand that this was the plan all along ;)


i am using the addforce method but with the force mode on change velocity  (with some test this one was the closest to what i wanned for char. movment) the thing is i apply the force on the forward direction of the transformer without  acounting for the angle of the ground , so it applyes the force needed to reach the desired speed but the slope still interfiers since the force appears at an angle towerds it.
PS.: unity docs mention that direct change to the velocity field is not adviseble and should be avoided.