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(1 edit)

I'm playing this again after there've been a few updates. I've just hit the Weary Soldier, and there's mention of Resnick having sex with women. Is Resnick canonically bisexual? Or is he supposed to be straight and we're "corrupting" him to want m/m sex?


More like we're sharing some of our preferences with him.


Unless you have some involvement with this game that I'm not aware of, I'd prefer a response from the dev.

I never personally reply to lore or character-focused questions because I know a bunch and everything, especially future stuff, is subject to change! Some things are intentionally left to interpretation as well, so mostly I suggest discussing it with similar-minded folk! The Discord server is a great place for that too! :D

(1 edit) (-10)

...Okay. I'm really not comfortable with that. Like, at all. This has such major ramifications for the core nature of the player character that I'm not comfortable with it being subject to either change or interpretation. I guess, you do you, but... I can't play this anymore. Gonna have to uninstall.