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Ok first of all the art fot the character is great. The UI instead is really poor, but that's probably because of the lack of time.

That being said, I didn't particularly like the story, I mean, it always ends the same way even if the cutscenes are diffent. Also after the first restart it gets super slow because of the dialogue speed, the walking speed and the fact that you have to replay it all from the beginning without the possibility to skip anything. 

The audio is a little bit too simplistic for my taste but it works.

Looks like you focused on the art, which is really good, but too little on the gameplay itself.

If you like to check out our game it would be great.

Hi Stefano, thank you so much for the feedback! Yes there was no time to work on the UI.  As for the dialog skip, I didnt have time to playtest the game and only after submission that i realise the next day the biggest issue is to have to replay with no dialog skip. Im so sorry that you didnt like the game !