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Audio could've been better. Hit boxes was pretty weird. Some flowers had colliders and some doesn't.  Art can be improved.

I really liked the story but I see the lack of experience in your game.

Never give up on making video games. Learn more coding, art, and sound design. Make more games! You'll get far if you practice, so don't worry!

Thank you for playing! I honestly didn’t notice the collider issue with some flowers xD I may have accidentally used the non prefab version... thank you for your feeback!! I started making games just 2 months ago so I understand the point of lack of experience:3

Thank you for playing! I honestly didn’t notice the collider issue with some flowers xD I may have accidentally used the non prefab version... thank you for your feeback!! I started making games just 2 months ago so I understand the point of lack of experience:3