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Thanks so much the for the  in depth feedback, I definitely agree with most of these points and think the wall climb is my favorite part as well.

Yeah the coins and green goo are pretty bad and I agree that I could have done more to make the PFX more consistent with the games art theme. Hmm I didn't have any problems with the jumping when play testing and totally agree that it is important to get right. I suppose your right about not hitting the theme directly, I just settled to hit it loosely and make the game about a lie or something to do with a lie instead as I wanted to use this game jam as a learning tool and didn't see another instance in which I would explore platforming. All in all thanks so much for the long and thoughtful feedback! I will take all of this into account for my future projects!!

I also took the theme loosely. It seems to me that not doing so produced fairly poor games, with very few notable exceptions.