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(2 edits) (+1)

This one REALLY took me back to the games in really old Nokia models, and the grid helps to send that old Nokia screen vibe home! The same can go for the sound effects, as they do their job really well.

I got fascinated by the character. Such a simple and yet cool idea for a character design! I just love how the little guy moves and is animated in a way that it's clear where it's heading.

The heavy drop the jump has actually caught me off guard at first. It reminded me of how Megaman would fall from ledges in Megaman 1, so funnily enough, although it was tricky to play around with it at first, really sent me to the NES era of games. 

The checkpoints were also perfectly placed. Just the right amount and with the right distance between eachother. Far away enough for me to start wondering where the next one was gonna be, but also just within reach after going through some of the obstacles.

Although the game's name is Towers of Annoy, I actually had a really pleasant experience with it. It all just really clicked and made for a really fun experience. The checkpoints were definitely key to this, and avoided making me frustrated by having to start from the beginning. Super well done!

I'm glad you liked the challenge and had a pleasant experience.  Great point about the falling mechanic.  I learned in some video that falling feels better if it's at a faster speed than going up.  Glad to hear it works for a more vertical-based platformer.  I'm leaning towards making the jump height higher though by either +1 or +0.5 but would need some more playtesting.  Oh yeah Megaman ... funny enough I'm playing through the collection with my son, so maybe it influenced me a little.  Thanks for the nice comments.