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I love the aesthetic.

The controls are a decision, but workable.

I'm impressed with how many enemies you are able to render at once, but unfortunately they don't have any particularly interesting behaviour, so it just becomes a game of run in circles while back tapping until the swarm is dead.

I really liked the upgrades, but they came so infrequently. I think making them a bit weaker, but giving significantly more of them would be great!

The boss designs were very cool, but I was let down by the fact that they didn't have any unique attacks, or movement patterns. A circle on the ground, or a dash would have gone a long way.    


Thanks for the honest review!

The controls are a design choice indeed, we didn't want to have mouse aim and allow firing while running away.

Our main goal with the Jam was to achieve this feel of a horde and the scale.
You mentioned many great points of improvement that we would hopefully tackle after the jam!

If you got any more suggestions let us know.