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Originally, I was giving this a 2 star because of the softlock Firecat mentioned but after playing it and seeing the overall story, I can see how there is quite the strong emotional resonance within this story. Well done.  The writing is pretty subtle and decent and while I know the Hawk is pretty much gone gone thanks to the miasma breath and the abuse alongside the boy's incredibly low self esteem and negativity permeating throughout his dialogue (even though there is a light at the end of this dark flight within this tunnel).  And while there are some awkward positioning and probably the visual presentation of the UI, the boy and the baddies could have been a bit better, its unique and stands out and that's what matters.

Honestly, if the presentation was a bit more cleaner and the gameplay was a less buggy in some areas, this would have been an easy 5 star for me.


very helpful feedback! With each jam and project I’m learning my scope and capacity and how to reign it in a bit more haha. I like doing game jams but also I always  end them thinking only about all the things I wish I had time to polish. Very grateful for this community’s kind words and time. <3