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Thanks for the complete review you made. I'll go though all of your points.

> I do think that the beginning message could've been faster and I was worried I'd have to sit through that eveyrtime but thanks to saving I did not have to!

Generally speaking, the text elements and animation I made could be better, quicker and have skipping options. I've noted this point for the later devs I'll make.

At first I was a bit annoyed at the lack of a checkpoint system but it did grow on me to repeat the rooms as my anticipation to try the other rooms built up. If that was on purpose then I am glad it worked out well. 

For the jam, I didn't want to make a checkpoint as it would have shorten the game too much. If content would be longer, then I'll probably add some checkpoint rooms where you can just return using the "Rooms" menu.

The music in the first few levels was pretty annoying and it did make me wish I could've muted it but the second and third music tracks used (the orange rooms) wasn't bad actually.

Music is one of the things I love about my own game, but this is very personal :)

My feedback would be more options and to proofread the dialogue (lots of spelling and grammar mistakes)

You're totally right. English isn't my mother tongue, to I had some troubles making the dialogs and texts in a short amount of time, tried my best to make it clear enough, at least I hope lol.

Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback, happy you tried my game!