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Vlad walks waaay too slow and I found some breaking bugs, (hitting Q after checking the first bookshelf makes the character unable to move and I had to recharge the browuser).

BUT the game is gorgeous! And the dialogs are nice. I could not get much into the game due to the bug and I didn’t want to start over but it was looking very promising.

Nice job!

Yea, the walk speed was a tough one, I wanted to keep the movement along the hidden grid as to prevent accidental steps into the light, but tying that in with proper animation cycles was a bit of a struggle I couldn’t quite get right.

There were a few bugs people seem to have encountered that I didn’t during development that I would have liked to have taken care of!

I’m glad you enjoyed it, let us know if you ever come back to finish it to the end! Bugs permitting of course. :P