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Oh wow that's polished! Idle animation, voicing, many types of assets... The level of detail is absolutely insane for a 7 days game jam! The game is beautiful, and I love the sound design.

The gameplay is also pretty good! I've found that you can walljump if you "flip" against a wall, and I played quite a lot with that mechanic =p. But I enjoyed the mechanics, it was simple but fun enough to make me stay until the end, great job ^^

The level 4 seems to be bugged? The game crashes when I open the third door, and pressing 4 also crashes the game ^^'.

Overall a nice submission, congratulations =)

Thanks so much for the feedback, really means a lot. And yeah level 4 is where time started catching up to me. In hindsight I could have just kept the 3 complete and polished ones and rather have a win or end screen.