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That was a really solid fun experience. Aside from the occasional freezes (I noticed your thing about the accelerator), it didn't feel clunky, and the buffs felt reasonable instead of OP. I didn't stack double doors so maybe that's why. I guess I was afraid they wouldn't stack like that. I think having more feedback for when I get hit would be useful. A camera shake and/or quick color change could help with that. 

I saw in your devlog that you were considering making this into a fuller game. I think you have a good foundation for that.

Haha yeah, I've realised how important that feedback on hit is, I somehow didn't think of it when playtesting it. And yeah, I think I have a good starting point for a full game, funnily enough I took two days just to think of the idea, but when I finally thought of the idea it really flowed out, so I could make the game with the future in mind. The only problem is that I have so much other stuff I want to do it's hard to focus on turning this into a full game for a month or two.