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A topic by Luusifer created Feb 11, 2024 Views: 235 Replies: 67
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I will compile my art here. 

 any suggestions are welcome


Looks great!

Developer (1 edit)

If we have time I'll want to create a boss enemy. And maybe some art for the title screen and thumbnail.

Im back! in a couple hours im back to work in the walk animation and the tilesets!!


Hey! Good to see you!

Hey, sorry, i've got problems with my pc, but im back, almost finishing the walk cycle, so, i will do the tilesets. i promisse i will try to be quick!!


It's all good.

Walk cycle finished, i started to work in the tilesets, what do you think of that style? like grass and wood, but, as it is the fist level still with vibrant colors


I think it's awesome!

I managed to mock up this, clearly need some polish, so, i will try in another style,

so I'm sending it so I don't run out of updates


Got it.

So, i tried a coupe more things, and i think this is a cool vibe for the first dungeon, i'il keep the next tiles in this style if its ok :D

Developer (1 edit)

I'm alive! 

Edit: So I could work on the boss until the deadline (until I fall asleep, I mean), Or I could polish. Brackeys made a video about a game jam he entered and in the video he said he stressed out about creating the boss. Until he realized he could just make the boss a one-hit kill and have it be a sort of joke. I think we should do that. But your choice.

Hello! yeah, its a good idea, in my opinion polish the game isp the priority having in mind that the deadline is ending


Exactly. I should have the game built and but on itch for testing in an hour  or two.

(1 edit)

Perfect! also, the musics you did kinda inspired me to start to learn more about it


Thank you very much! I don't know too much about that sort of thing, so hearing someone say that is very touching. May I ask what about it inspired you?

I thought the songs were very original, and when you said you weren't very good at making songs and I heard the melodies, I thought they were really cool, and I decided to start making them too!!

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


Well, thank you! :)

I've released the game. It is also not the best (for real this time). I did a big time crunch last night, and didn't have much energy left for today.