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I'm running Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye). I'm not particularly versed in this stuff, but I suspect the core issue is that it's a CM4, using an aarch64 chipset. Pico8 has a 64bit version that runs great, which is why p8 files.

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Could you try the new upload I added, “”? If this works I’d appreciate knowing as I might need to go back and recompile a lot of my older games.

I checked through some of the build notes and it wasn’t until later versions that Pico8 supported 64bit, which the original builds were done beforehand. I’m hoping this fixes your specific problem.

I can run the new build, thank you!

Thank you for letting me know about the problem!

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, and a lot of the core code is available for to view over at, that’s effectively the browser version which excludes the paid for content.