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Yes I totally understand, it always feel so good to have something playable, to see our work pay off!

I don't remember exactly, I discovered the RPG Maker series thanks to a french website and started with a hacked version of RPG Maker XP and when I heard that the VXAce version was available on Steam it was almost an instant buy. It's such a charming engine and the RTP are, I think, my favorite of the serie (except the nightmare fuel character generator :D).


Interesting! Do you remember if Don Miguel had anything to do with that version? I think he made an unofficial English translation of RPG Maker 2000 back in the day, so maybe he did the XP one too...

Very true! ๐Ÿ˜„ They definitely improved the character generator in MV & MZ! It's too bad they stopped making the chibi sprites, though. I still love that character style.


Just checked, the guy was called Zeus but yeah Don Miguel rings a bell, definitley heard that name before!

Yes MV/MZ character generator is sooo much better, and also agree with you on the style and I also liked the fact that some sprites (like the maid used in your game) have different animations other than walking, gives them personnality and make the world feel more "alive".

And you, how did you discover the RPG Maker series? I'm curious now :D


Yeah, I imagine many people in the RPG Maker community have at least heard Don's name before at some point. So Zeus' version was a French translation? That's your native language, yes?

Absolutely! The extra animations are a great addition, and I actually wish there were more animations like that for all the RTP characters! I'd even consider buying them as DLC.

Lemme think... The first time I really became interested in RPG Maker was when I saw Markiplier play The Witch's House! At some point after that, I was gifted a Steam key for VX Ace and learned how to use it by watching tutorials on YouTube. Good times! ๐Ÿ˜

Actually, I just remembered something! Are you familiar with the game OFF? That game was originally made in French, so I wonder if you know it... (Sorry for the lengthy response, by the way!๐Ÿ˜ฑ)


No need to apologize for the length, it was a pleasure to read!

Yes Zeus was a french translation and yes that's my native language (It's my turn to apologize, my English is far from perfect so sorry for any english mistakes :P).

OMG yes RPG Maker horror games were very popular among let's player, the memories! There are so many good ones and The Witch's House is definitely one of them! Wow nice for the gifted steam key, since RPG Maker softwares can be a bit expensive (especially if you add the DLC!). Good times indeed^^

Yes I know the game OFF but I think I never finished it even though is was pretty good, it was quite strange and surreal if I remember correctly! Another good one is LISA: the Painful, I don't know if you're familiar with it. Very dark, brutal and difficult! It's not free but it looks and feels very professional.

We're quite far from the initial topic now, haha! (and I'm competing with you for the lenghty response!!)


Good! I'm glad!

No no no! Your English is very good! It's a million times better than my French, that's for sure. ๐Ÿ˜…

Yeah! I couldn't get enough of those RM horror game playthroughs back in the day. And yes that's true, the engines and DLCs pretty expensive, but the key was part of a bundle, so it was a little cheaper than buying the items individually.

OFF is quite strange and surreal. The music and the graphics really appealed to me for some reason. Yes, I do know LISA: the Painful! I need to get back to it, actually... It's really cool how that game is played like a side-scroller, since that perspective is rarely used in RPG Maker.

Oh well! At least we're having fun, right? ๐Ÿ˜


Thank you that reassures me, I'm always afraid of writing gibberish :P 

Yes I also was addicted to them and to Youtuber in general, lot of loud screaming but hey, it was fun and very entertaining lol.

My god, just checked and RM MV has almost 800 DLC, wonder how much it would cost to buy them all :D

Yeah I can understand, OFF's simplistic and "monochrome" graphics are quite charming and can create a unique atmosphere. Don't remember much about the story or music to be honnest, I should replay it one day or another. Nice that you know about LISA because I don't think is the most well-know RPG Maker Game even though it's a really good one!

Yes you're right about that :3

(1 edit) (+1)

No problem! And if anyone's gonna be writing gibberish, it's probably gonna be me!

That was all the entertainment I needed at the time. Sometimes it's all I need now, too. I'm a simple guy like that.

Woah! I knew there were a lot, but 800 is crazy! That's a good question... Maybe one day when I have more money I'll buy them and let ya know! ๐Ÿค‘

Exactly! I also really like the low-rez sprites/tiles. At some point I wanna finish some older projects that I started in RPG Maker 2003, just because I like that look. LISA has a great art style, too! And I think its soundtrack was awesome as well... You know what? I'll reinstall it now and find out for myself!

Good! It's really nice chatting with ya, especially about games, cuz that's one of my favourite subjects (obviously)!


Lol let's write some gibberish together then :D

Yeah same, and having a good laugh from time to time is always nice and they can also introduce us to new games, like the Witch's House and RM for you, so its always a win! Thanks to them, I discovered the Amnesia series which has become my favorite horror game series even to this day, and certainly many others!

I though Steam let you know the total price of DLC but can't find it anymore, maybe I imagined it. So yeah no other choice but to buy them all I guess, let start saving money today :P

Oh you have some older RM2k3 projects? Nice! Yeah the retro aesthethic of this one is good too and some people have made incredible games with it! Saw a remastered version of all of the original RM2k3 tilesets by FinalBossBlues on a while back and always wanted to use them to make something because they looks really cool (link if that inspire you)!

Yes, I return the compliment, very nice and chill chatting with you, happy to have discovered your page thanks to AmalgamAsh :D Speaking of games... what have you played lately?


Sure, why not? We're on a roll anyway! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Very true! And yes, Amnesia is super cool, especially it's atmosphere! And some of the custom stories people made for it were also really good!

That's strange... Maybe it's because there isn't a bundle option for buying ALL of the DLC at once? I guess the total would at least show if the items are added to the cart. Yep, it's gonna take some time to save up, but we'll get there!

Yeah! I'd like to finish them some day since I have more experience with game development now. Oh wow! Those tiles look great! I actually have an unfinished project that I could use these with! Thanks for sharing that! ๐Ÿ™Œ

Me too! And I'm glad you took part in Ash's jam! It's fun to meet other game devs, isn't it? Let's see... I'm currently playing Mount & Blade: Warband, I recently replayed the Resident Evil 2 remake, and at least once a week I play Phasmophobia. Luck Be A Landlord is another one I enjoy. Other than that, I'll play jam submissions on and whatnot. What about you? What does Poulet play these days? ๐Ÿค”