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Poulet Rôti

A member registered Feb 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing, for recording your gameplay and for the feedbacks! 

I prefer this to yersterday's post😉

It will be my pleasure to read your future posts!

Thanks for the good vibes, and have a fantastic day too!

Writing can be helpful, and I'm glad it helps you! It may sound dumb, but not too long ago, I was feeling really sh*tty and I wrote myself a letter like if I were writing to someone in need... and it was harder than I though! Sometime we are our worst enemy and a bit of love from ourselves can go a long way.

Yeah I get it and it's positive that you recognize that. Sometimes even just believing that things can get better is hard.

Stay strong, my friend *Biggest hug ever*!

Hey, I just saw your previous post and I feel really sorry for what you going through, I really do and I hope you're OK despite everything. 

Life can be rough, unfair, and everything in between, but please stay strong. It's easier said than done, I know, but remind yourself that its just a passing phase and that the sun always comes after the rain.

I'm not a therapist and we don't know each other but if you ever want to talk in private, I'll be here to listen.

Take care of yourself.

I enjoyed this first mini-game! The presentation of it reminded me of Earthbound , which is good! Also liked the two girls in the HUB, a cute and nice addition. Did you have plan for the achievements?

Whatever you do with this project, its already a small win to have participate!


PS: Thank you very much, you too 🤗


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Sometimes it feels good to put words to what we feel—it lifts a weight off our shoulders, and I hope creating this little game brought you some relief! We all go through difficult times, and I sincerely hope you'll manage to get through this and find something else to focus on. I don’t really know you but from the conversations we’ve had (and the different games of yours that I’ve played), you seem like an exceptional, kind and creative person.

I’m not really a fan of celebrating the New Year… but I wish you an excellent 2025, and may the doubts that are troubling you today turn into strength tomorrow.

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For the worst game of the year, that actually was really good😁

The youtube videos is a genius idea and didn't even knew SGB was able to do that, and the music/ambience are so good (the title screen music is beautiful!)

Great job, I loved playing it!

Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire et je suis ravis que cela t'ait plu!

Thanks for playing and for the emojis! Who can say no to virtual hugs?😊

Mmmmh... that's a pretty good question actually. I guess not? Well, back to eating candy in a mysterious mansion then😎👍🍬

That was a super "-SWEET-" game!

Loved the voxel models and I really liked the pac-man vibe, super cool and clever idea that really fits with the jam theme, Congrats!

Also really liked the flashlight. While playing, it makes me wonder if RiaB 2.0 will includes a dynamic shadow/light system! 

(Wait, eating candy isn't healthy?! I've been lied to my whole life?)

Merci beaucoup!

Thank you for playing👨‍🌾

I cried, laughed and even questioned my own existence while playing! That was a life changing experience, thank you so much for making it!👏👏

Happy belated Halloween👻

Haha, thank you for playing!

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Thank you so much for playing and I'm really glad you're enjoying it!

Also, feel free to post a screenshot of your garden

Loved the jam version, I didn't know you were working on a fulll version! The trailer looks awesome!

Good luck with the development!

Merci d'avoir joué, de partager ton playthrough et content que ça t'ait plu! Aussi merci pour les feedbacks😻

Cool and good luck👍

It was Demo 2.

Cute little demo, I enjoyed exploring all the areas and I really liked the music!

Seems to be a bug with the tree enemy, the combat doesn't start a show an error in the debug console.

No, not at all. Of course I would have loved to play more but what you've made so far is really good! So if you develop it further, it will be my pleasure to continue my playthrough!

THAT WAS SO SO COOL! The graphics are super well made and the animations of the main character are awesome! That was a nice trip down memory lane, really nostalgic!

You did a FANTASTIC job👏


Haha, I would love to see that and I should try too one day! And yeah that could be a great idea for a jam!

I'm honored to be one of your loyal knights, ô great Pancake King🙇‍♂️

Aww, thank you so much😊

Yeay🐔🧠! No I think it was pretty nice the way you approached it, subtle but cool for those who played the prequel to see the connection between the two games! If my little chicken brain was able to figure it out, don't worry it was clear enough😋 It was the dialogue with the mom that tipped me off. And this game is definitely full of charm and I think you've used the assets in a very creative way, like the miniatures (I have to agree with Barry, so cute)!!

I totally agree with you on that. I love subtility and environmental storytelling in games but I don't really mind if the story is never explained at all at the end, now that I think about it a lot of the games I enjoyed the most have cryptic stories😁 And yeah I also feel the same as you about too much exposition/explanation, sometime less is more! So I think I would say I prefer ambiguity but I also like a good balance of the two! I also admire games that try to tell a story without any words or dialogue.

Sir Poulet of Roti? I like it🐔 These are the best kind of sequel! Can't wait to see what you're gonna make with it!

I'm all over the place but I'm fine, thank you very much! And really sorry for the abrupt end in our last conversation🙏

Also, I have a question about the deep lore of the game, is the first game the nightmare that Barry woke up to?🤔

Really enjoyed that short voxel adventure and loved all the references!

The burning sand was a brilliant idea btw. 

I hope Sarah will be alright until the next update😁

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Thank you for this game, I needed those good "vibes" today, as the kids say👴

I wasn't epecting a sequel to Barry's Bountiful but I was pleasantly surprised, it was super cute (the sword and shield were such a nice touch and liked all the emojis, didn't know barrels were so expressive!)! A great introduction to an epic RPG!!

EDIT: Strangely, I don't seems to be able to rate this game, maybe because of the jam? Well, take your stars anyway ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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It's cool, last time we spoke you  said you were feeling uninspired so I'm glad you're back in business and with 3 games! Mmmmh, does that mean the RPG in a Box game is for the unoriginal jam?🤔

We'll see, I have to brainstorm for a simple idea, can you lend me your big brain for a bit?

Haha, I want to play it even more now🤓 


Wow, you're hard at work I see, that's awesome! Ooouh, an RinB game?! I'm super intrigued! I really like the theme of the "unoriginal" game jam.

Thanks! No need, you're right, you already convinced me... and stop being right! I'll try to make something super simple, I don't promise anything but I'll try my best to submit a thing😁

Can't wait to see what its all about!

Hiiiiiii! I'm super hot but everything's fine, what about you?

Nice, I wonder what delicious games you've been cooking this month, count me in to play them all👨‍🍳! I'm curious, what the jams you participate in? l I guess one of them is Ash's BAKIN jam😀

Well, I set out on a quest to learn Godot, I hope to upload experimentations on to to keep track of my progress. And since I can't multitask, I had to put my BAKIN Jam project on hold... so I don't think I will be able to participate😥

Oh you still have it? That's so cool, you're a good tamagotchi father👨‍👦💩! Haha, yes me too, no more unfinished games😎

That's a cute idea actually, could be fun but I don't know how hard it would be to make it in BAKIN. Me too, my friend, me too... lazyness is a curse👺! Your pixel art style looks really nice to me in The Stranger Fables of Fantasy Heroes and Aqua's Pizza Party Disaster - and don't say that its just RTP edits or what not, they are super charming and well made!

Hey hey don't say that, I'm just gonna repeat what you just said to me: "We've still got time for now, so there's no need to rush". Maybe just launch BAKIN and play with it a bit without thinking of the jam, doing random stuff that goes through your mind, it could spark some unexpected ideas. Or I could also take out my virtual whip to stop your from procrastinating😈

Yes you're right, it's part of life I guess! And yes, thank you very much🤗

Haha, would love to see that! I'm curious, were you also addicted to these cute little creatures that pooped everywhere? Maybe you just waiting for the right time to make your pancake magnum opus? Haha, that would be so cool to make games just by imagining them, the process would be simpler, and maybe a bit more chaotic 😎

Oh yes, a game with a dog mini game is a 10/10, the rest of the game is just a bonus🐶 That's the problem with 3D models, it's harder to personalize or to add animations compared to pixel art for example (not that I'm good at pixel art).

Not really, I experimented a bit with the engine, ideas and stuff (and maybe reducing the scope I had in mind😁) but nothing too serious right now. How about you, are the ideas flowing?

Oops sorry for the wait, I had a pretty stressful weeks, hope you haven't been staring at the screens all this time, impatiently waiting for my reply🙃

Hey why not, haha, or a pancake tamagotchi-like where you take care of your own pancake🥞🥰 So much you can do with just pancakes, the possibilities are just endless!!

No problem, it was my pleasure to play it, and I was able to pet a dog (he's such a good boi)!

Yes you're right🤓

Ouh that's quite a bit actually, definitely a pro BAKIN baker in my eyes👏! Even more so that BAKIN feels, to me at least, a bit more complex than other similar engines. I'm sure the inspiration will come to you! I'm happy that you approve of my side quest, ô great Jason, the one and only pancake lord🙏🥞 And yes that would be cool, maybe even just a small easter egg!

MLDA was pretty great, I really enjoyed the exploration and the surreal elements!

Haha yes you're right, and I'm not going to complain😋

Really detailled and professionnal review:

I liked it, you can pet the dog.

(I really liked it, I wonder what you'll do with this concept! Loved exploring the maps (I think I explored everything), almost felt like I was exploring a dream, surreal and sometimes a bit disturbing. It reminded me of Yume Nikki! Also really liked the character models and the environment! That was a great experience!👍)

Aww thank you🤗 Well, I met a few before but never had time to chat with them because I ate them too quickly... 👀 Yeeah, we're not usually too talkative!

Not too much actually, I did use it a bit when it came out but never made anything concrete with it (and it was mostly just mapping) so the eventing, the layout and camera tools are pretty new to me. How about you, are you a pro baker? And yes, same! Do you already have an idea for your game? Personnally I think I'm gonna keep things really simple for this one and make an RPG inspired by the first dragon quest/warrior (and it might include a side quest about finding a pancake recipe but shhh...🤫).

Ooh you have me even more interested about playing MLDA now, might try it today actually and gave you my really detailled and professionnal review afterward! The premise alone sounds really cool! Can't wait to see what other delicious games you'll create and to see how you'll improve your skills along the way👍

Haha, that's pretty sweet😘 I also really enjoy it when we chat!

Hey, glad to hear from my favorite pancake🥞

Awesome that you're gonna participate to AmalgamAsh next game jam, and yes I've also joined it, hoping to submit something😁 Just hammer that creative block, show it who's the boss!

Great news concerning Someone Stole My PC, it was a really charming entry! Ooh, I haven't played Mort's Last Day Alive yet but if it's among your favorites, it must be good, I might try it soon then!

Thanks for posting and have a nice day too😎

Great game, short and sweet as always, easy to understand even without any text! Liked the cute little interactions with the environment and the last sequence👍