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(1 edit)

Yes 😎

I think I watched an Obscure playthough a long time ago, it has coop right? Yes, Kenshi does looks like a really in-depth game, but it must be super satisfying when you finally understand how it work and finally manage to progress without dying horribly.

Yeah it was around that timeπŸ‘€ But when I saw that you'd replied, I really wanted to reply back before falling asleep haha...


Correct, Obscure does have co-op! For sure, I think the satisfaction of conquering a game like Kenshi is what draws me to it (doing that requires a lot of time and patience however)!

Fair enough! 😁 I hope your sleep schedule stays intact, though! It'd be nice if I could keep mine on track more often... 😫 Sometimes I get carried away with work and lose track of time like a silly goose.


I can definitely understand that! Yes I'm sure it must demand a lot of dedication, experimentation and die&retry to progress in this game but I'm sure you can do it, I have faith in youπŸ’ͺ.  Also I'm sure that even in Kenshi's cruel world, no one would want to hurt a pancake! 

Haha, but it's not our fault, I blame time itself! When you're bored, time goes in slowmotion but when you do something you like or you're invested in... it just fly by, that's not fair in my book😫


Thanks! πŸ’ͺ You'd be surprised. Not everyone likes pancakes. πŸ˜­

So true. It really should be the other way around, shouldn't it? Time is so silly. ⏰ I should be able to make all my games in 10 minutes, but time doesn't like stretching that way. πŸ™„