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(2 edits)

Hey, great job on your first project.

I imagine it feels nice to have something out there right? I've really enjoyed this jam and I am really having fun testing out everybody's submissions.

I liked the general concept at play here. Moving through the dark environment whilst being pursued by the priest is a good core concept.  The sound of breathing did a good job of setting the tone and also alerting the player to the priest's whereabouts. The player has a clear motivation to stay away from the priest. The overall map design and ambience are fitting to the theme.

One thing I did find a little strange (not sure it's a negative) - is that the title screen made me more likely to laugh than jump in fear. The "Dancing Man" animation seems a little at odds with the overall "horror" theme.

I found when I clicked the jumpscare button and then returned to to game that there were no crosses in the level?

There was also an odd "dragging" motion on my mouse cursor and it felt as if It was always being pulled to the right and causing me to spin unless I corrected for it. Unsure if that's just an issue with my end or not.

I see you have some clear steps to action and have set yourself some nice goals for expanding the project.

I wish you luck and will keep an eye on your project.

Happy Gaming!

Hey! It does feel nice to have something out there.

The title screen is indeed meant to be more funny than scary, and is more or less just something that helped me laugh while testing the main menu.

The jumpscare/cross bug is interesting and I'll definitely look into it as I refactor things. The dragging I'm unable to replicate, but if it's only happening in my game them I'm sure I did something funky and it's not on your end.

Thanks for the comment!