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(im shakign and cryign rn Ruffles would never say those things 😭)

Great premise, with great execution. It feels tastefully scuffed, with good writing and a solid implementation.

Overall, I absolutely love this game. Great work!

Anywho, if you want some nitpicks that might help to make this game even better - some visual indicator of doge roll (un)availability would be nice to have (idk maybe a slight colour change whilst on cooldown or something), and I did find it a bit difficult to work out when the lobbed tomato hitboxes became active (maybe make them translucent whilst they’re still high up in the air?). Final, not sure if this was a bug or intentional, but I noticed that the security guards in the final wave would permanently stop moving upon hitting Ruffles. Didn’t check if they still dealt damage or not in this state (only had 1 hit left so yeah lol) but it felt a bit unintended.