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I surrender.

3 weeks is a solid amount of time, and by my best estimates, it would be just enough for my project. However, the first week went in vain as I suffered from insomnia issues (just a tiny amount of sleep missing renders my brain nonfunctional). When I finally got back on track, I encountered a few technical issues that put more burden on my jam rush. At that point, I decided to do something radical - start a different smaller project to accomplish the jam with, thinking what a great comeback it would be. It would be ... if my insomnia didn't come back to bully me.

I've decided the best for me would be to quit it instead of sweating it. Maybe some other time.

Hello Raildeus, I understand your situation, I experienced similar problems in other jams. That's okay, it's part of the experimental aspect of designing a game.

I hope you can recover from your insomnia, and I wish you all the luck in your next jams!