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thank you very much.

It's sad that the game was too fast for you. This is one point I totally hate about making a game for a game jam. If it is too slow it's too easy or the controls feel weird/floaty. If you make it too fast it's challenging but too hard for some people...

Can you tell me how far you made it?


At first attempt I was stuck at spikes part. But when I tried for the second time, I got to enemies part, but the game just got stuck at loading. 

I really liked your attention to details (loading screens, gate animations, character entering/exiting gate animations).

And yes, I agree that it's so difficult to perfectly balance game to be challenging, but still fun. I had to playtest my game with some random people and it helped to tweak it :p

Ok, it's sad to hear that you run into the door-bug. That's only happening on the Web version. The windows version is fine.

You almost finished the tutorial, but I guess you won't give the game another try to see what comes after the tutorial.