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I really loved your game! The ambiance is awesome, the music is on point and the loud and sharp sounds are jarring. Lighting was really nice as well! I haven't gotten to the end yet. I will have another bash tomorrow :)

I fell through the game world twice ^_^

One was when I walked towards the doll house and the other was when I transitioned to the third level, had the gun but was outside the level.

Thanks Sneaky, we noticed one of those two bugs, too, but too late - the other one is a new one, we'll have to look into it, thanks for the report!  PS: after clicking the dollhouse when you get the gun, if you still are moving, you sometimes land in the void... (if you stay still, it works, go figure...). 

Hi, we were wondering if you could replay the game and when transitioning/ opening doors don’t move and that should fix that bug- it would be really appreciated if you you could replay the game with this information, thanks!