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It gives that warning for .exes too, pretty much any non-web game on here. Most people don't mind.

I know it is possible to run a jar file with an exe launcher of some kind (similar to Minecraft), but I don't know how complicated that is to implement.

I'll check the game out when it isn't an hour after midnight :P

Thanks TerraCottaFrog, yea I need to maybe get some approved "code signing" happening.
I have about 7 levels, and a boss of sorts, so I hope it works out :D thanks.
I have a few friends playing this .jar and having fun so far, it is challenging (that's why I made an more in depth tutorial)

Yes, itch support said this about launching .jar in browser on submission, so sounds like this is my monthly goal for finishing this to my expectations :)

"The entry point is the package name of the class you compiled into your jar. Once you get it correct it should work on the draft page. If you're using an existing game engine then they might have a tutorial about how you would embed your game into a browser, and they'll describe what your entry point is."