~~holy shit jimmy mcgill simulator (real)~~
Very interesting concept, with an alright execution. Granted, there are the camera issues (making it a bit more difficult than it should be to move around and truly experience the various accident scenario puzzles), the lack of any audio feedback for the mishaps which occur (which does kinda make it feel less satisfying than it should whenever a physics happens), and the lack of any sort of end screen, which kinda prevent it from fulfilling its potential.
But, nitpicks aside, it’s a pretty darn good game, with some very tasty physics.
(I also kinda am trying to work out if there’s some sort of ironic subtext behind the ad posters with scripture on them ubiquitously scattered all around the city in this game about committing insurance fraud, maybe they’re there for intentional ludonarrative dissonance or something? idk. but it’s certainly unexpected)