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Very ambitious! I can tell a lot of work went into this, and like many jams, not quite everything came together in the end. Highlights for me were the stage layout, gameplay was fun, and the dialogue lines that I heard were well performed. I would advise all jam teams, especially large ones, to test early and test often, as sometimes it is better to polish a smaller amount of content than have loads of brilliant work from team members who then don't get to see their work shine in the way that might hope. On the plus side, and always the biggest compliment to a jam game: I was well engaged, had fun, and managed to get to what I think was the win screen. Great job!


Thanks for the feedback, there are definitely things I would have done differently looking back, but we learned a lot and that’s enough for me.

Also glad to hear that you enjoyed it, I’ll definitely check out your entry too :D