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The dialogue and music/sound effects give it a well polished feel, though I really struggled with the gameplay! I kept dying on the first level due to running out of energy (the first energy pickups being green when the rest are red really threw me off).
I think having movement consume energy is a bit too punishing, especially when it trains you to minimize all of your actions, as the final level is extremely hard with that mindset! especially with how chaotic and dense the bullet patterns are once enemies stack up.
I liked how the particle effects stack up on the player wisp, and i'm impressed at the dialogue implementation, Great job getting it over the line within the time-frame of the jam!


Thanks, i already changed the color on the local game, will polish more and post it after the jam.I wanted the energy taken from the enemies to look like pieces of them, but looking at it now, i get how it can be frustrating for most players, specially because there are a lot of different monitors, and little variations in color can make it actually impossible to distinguish one another.